Sexual and Gender Identity Institute Research
At the Institute, we have anywhere from 5-6 lines of research being conducted at any one time. Here are three we are currently highlighting.
Christian Parental Responses
SGI fellow, Dr. Olya Zaparozhets, has been leading a team in analysis of data from Christian parents whose son or daughter came out as LGBTQ+. It has been a massive undertaking, and we learned so much from what parents shared with us.
MOC Project
SGI fellow, Dr. Olya Zaparozhets has been coordinating a study of mixed orientation couples (MOC), which refers to marriages in which one partner is straight and the other is a sexual minority. While we have studies MOC several times, we are excited to use several measures we have been utilizing in our other studies to get a better sense for their well-being and faith, among other considerations.
Christian Gender Identity Project
This is a line of research related to the dilemma faced by Christian college students who experience their gender identity differently that the majority of students for whom gender identity aligns with their biological sex. Drs. Mark Yarhouse, Stephen Stratton, (Asbury Theological Seminary), and Janet Dean (Asbury University) are conducting a longitudinal study supported by a grant from the Louisville Institute.