Campus Announcements

Target your announcements to the right audience.

Read the Internal Digital Communication Policy before distributing campus announcements.

Campus Announcements

A replication of the bi-weekly campus announcement email

Bi-Weekly Announcement Email

Wheaton Announcements are consolidated announcements sent to all students, faculty, and staff every Tuesday and Friday. >>

An icon of an envelope with a bulleted list next to it

Essential Mailing Lists

If your department distributes critical or required messages, you may have permission to send messages to all students, faculty, or staff. >>

An icon of an envelope with a bulleted list next to it, with two of the options crossed out

Subscription-Based Mailing Lists

Wheaton College uses LISTSERV to send messages from departments and other groups. You can subscribe or unsubscribe from certain lists. >>

Wheaton Gateway Icon

Wheaton Gateway

Announcements and events appear in the Announcements and Happening on Campus sections of the Wheaton Gateway. >>