Subscription-Based Mailing Lists

Subscription-Based Mailing Lists

An icon of an envelope with a bulleted list next to it, with two of the options crossed out Wheaton College uses LISTSERV to send messages from departments and other groups.

Read the Internal Digital Communication Policy before distributing campus announcements.

Subscribing and Unsubscribing

Some mailing lists are optional. Depending on the type of list, you may be able to opt-out or opt-in.

If you would like to unsubscribe from or subscribe to a mailing list, you can do so by signing in to LISTSERV with your Wheaton College email address and following these directions to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Requesting a New List

If your department, club, or organization would like to send emails with event announcements or other general information that is not required, but that recipients might be interested in, you can request a subscription-based LISTSERV list using the appropriate form below:

For further instructions, please refer to this resource guide.

Helpful Resources

Series: End User's LISTSERV Guide >>
Series: How to Guide for LISTSERV List Owners >>


Sign in to LISTSERV here to manage your subscriptions and the mailing lists you can send to.