Employee Cybersecurity Training
Employee Cybersecurity Training
Cybersecurity awareness training gives employees a working understanding of basic cybersecurity principles and precautions. This training prepares employees to recognize and respond appropriately to hacking attempts, phishing, and malware infections.
All employees are required to complete yearly cybersecurity training, and new employees must complete training as part of their employee onboarding. You will receive an automated email when training is assigned to you. Complete your training within two weeks.
You can read Wheaton College's Cybersecurity Training Policy here.
Your Cybersecurity Awareness Training Account
You will receive an email with the link to your training. Log in with your NetID and password.
You're required to complete this training within two weeks after receiving your notification email.
To learn more about the mandatory cybersecurity awareness training, read this Knowledge Base article for information and instructions.

Employees can sign in here to their cybersecurity awareness training account.