About the Writing Center
Who We Are
The Writing Center is a free resource for undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines and skill levels. Writing Center consultants collaborate with student writers to develop the skills and processes that are conducive to effective writing.
What We Do
Students sign up for one-on-one appointments that are thirty minutes or one hour. Together, a student and his or her consultant discuss ideas, address concerns, and manage the conventions, requirements, and strategies of writing. We provide feedback on any writing project, at any stage, regardless of proficiency levels.
Where We Are
The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the Wheaton College library next to the computer labs.
What to Bring
A student writer shares his or her assignment prompt and the most recent draft of his or her work. Sessions are more effective when a writer comes prepared with a few specific questions or concerns regarding his or her work, but such questions aren’t necessary for a successful session. If you have booked an online appointment, then your Writing Center consultant will send you an email with details about how to connect through Google Meet. Check out our video tutorial for clients for more details about our online services.
How We Can Help
Our goals are to help students improve the quality of their writing projects, academic or otherwise, and build knowledge and proficiency in writing. We work together with the student writer to address:
- Grammar and punctuation
- Brainstorming and outlining
- The research process
- Developing an argument
- Writing a thesis statement
- Documentation and formatting
- Clear and coherent communication
Our hospitable, flexible methods reflect our respect for the individual writer, whose voice and goals are central to our collaborative session. Accordingly, our trained writing consultants engage with students in one-on-one conversation about their writing at any stage in the writing process, address the session agenda set by the writers, and offer specific feedback and suggest relevant techniques that equip writers to improve their writing.