How Do We Flourish in Uncertain Times?
The Christ at the Core Fall Series features co-curricular events throughout the fall semester that highlight key themes of the core curriculum. These multi-disciplinary events allow Wheaton College to discuss the enduring value and significance of using a Christ-centered approach to study the liberal arts. This fall, the series focuses on the theme of how we can flourish and promote the flourishing of our communities in times of uncertainty.
What Is the Good Life in the Midst of Uncertain Times?
A Virtual Conversation with N.T. Wright
Tuesday, September 22 | 7:00 p.m. CDT | Christ at the Core YouTube Playlist
These are uncertain times. As Christians we should not avoid asking difficult questions about the challenges we face in our public sphere or personal lives. Join us as theologian and biblical scholar the Rev. Dr. N.T. Wright reflects on the Christian calling to live faithfully in our contemporary circumstances. A brief conversation will follow with Rev. Dr. N.T. Wright, Dr. Amy Peeler (New Testament) and Dean David Lauber (Theology).
Visit the Christ at the Core YouTube playlist at 7 p.m. on September 22 to attend the YouTube Premiere event.
Politics in a Divided Age: Engaging with Justice and Love
A Virtual Conversation with Kristen Deede Johnson
Wednesday, October 28 | 7:00 p.m. CDT | Christ at the Core YouTube Playlist
Our current political moment in the United States is characterized by division and polarization. What is the calling of faithful disciples of Christ to engage our culture and politics with justice and love during this time? Join us as Dr. Kristen Deede Johnson (Professor of Theology and Christian Formation, Western Theological Seminary) speaks to big questions of justice, God's vision for the world, and our calling as God's people within the world. A conversation will follow with Dr. Kristen Deede Johnson, Dr. Amy Black (Political Science), and Dr. Gregory Lee (Theology).
Kristen Deede Johnson (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is professor of theology and Christian formation at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan and an award-winning author. She teaches and writes in the areas of theology, discipleship, formation, culture, and political theory. In 2018, Kristen was named as one of 10 New or Lesser-Known Female Theologians Worth Knowing by Christianity Today.
Watch the YouTube Premiere event at 7 p.m. on October 28.
Uncommon Ground in Divisive Times
A Virtual Conversation with John Inazu
Thursday, November 5 | 7:00 p.m. CST | Christ at the Core YouTube Playlist
In the days following a U.S. Presidential election, we are keenly aware of the divided political environment in our nation. How can Christians live faithfully as citizens, friends, and neighbors alongside those they disagree with? Join John Inazu (Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis), Christina Bieber Lake (English), Esau McCaulley (New Testament), and Bryan McGraw (Politics) for a panel discussion and conversation.
John Inazu is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis. He teaches criminal law, law and religion, and various First Amendment seminars. His scholarship focuses on the First Amendment freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion, and related questions of legal and political theory. He is the author of Liberty’s Refuge: The Forgotten Freedom of Assembly (Yale University Press, 2012) and Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference (University of Chicago Press, 2016), and co-editor (with Tim Keller) of Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference (Thomas Nelson, 2020). Read More about John Inazu..
Watch the YouTube Premiere event at 7 p.m. Central on November 5.