Nineteenth-Century Resources at Wheaton

For those interested in studying the nineteenth century, Wheaton College is a great place. Not only does the college have many faculty members working broadly on nineteenth century topics, but the college has significant archives which house nineteenth century materials and are worth noting.

Marion E. Wade Center

Wade Center

The Wade Center is a major research collection of materials by and about seven British authors:

The Wade Center has nearly every book published by and about each author, as well as unpublished materials, including manuscripts, letter collections, and more.

Wheaton Archives & Special Collections

Wheaton College Archives and Special Collections

Wheaton Archives & Special Collections collects, preserves, and presents materials in all formats related to the life-work of significant adherents to the Christian faith in the modern world. The rare book collections and local history materials are particularly exciting. The Archives also gathers, preserves, and makes available for use documents on the history of North American nondenominational Protestant efforst to spread the Christian Gospel.