Cabinet Conversations - July 2024

President Philip Ryken and Vice President for Finance and Operations, Treasurer Chad Rynbrandt

Watch the entire video, or hover your cursor over the video timeline to see chapter titles and click to view a particular topic or question. Timestamps are also indicated below. 

Cabinet Conversations Questions and Timestamps

0:00       Introduction

1:30       Has a change to “Wheaton University” been considered?

3:00       What is the status of the Wheaton College endowment?

5:10       Is Wheaton “bending” to the will of current culture?

7:00       What percentage of Wheaton College’s operation budget depends on Federal funding?

11:00    Is the College recruiting Christian students from international and diverse communities?

14:00    What are the implications for the College in terms of Central Bank Digital Currency?

15:45    Does the College have a Sexual and Gender Identity Institute?

19:00    How is the College making the cost affordable for middle class families?

21:15    What is the impact of major national economic trends?

23:30    Wheaton’s Engineering program

26:30    Is Wheaton top-heavy with administrators?

28:00    Posting compensation ranges for positions?

28:45    What has been the reaction to mandatory Passage participation?

30:30    What about College credit for AP Testing and the budgetary consequences?