Cabinet Conversations - President Philip Ryken and Silvio Vazquez

September 2023 Update

Watch the entire video, or hover your cursor over the video timeline to see chapter titles and click to view a particular topic or question. Timestamps are also indicated below. 


Cabinet Conversations Questions September 2023

  • 1:20   - Summer Programs?
  • 3:20   - The 2025 Demographic "Cliff"?
  • 6:00   - New Undergraduate Study Programs?
  • 7:55   - The Business/Economics Program?
  • 10:00 - Recruiting Science Faculty?
  • 11:00 - Student Research Opportunities?
  • 13:10 - Incoming Students and Acceptance Rates?
  • 16:30 - Decline in Student Caliber?
  • 19:00 - Support for Struggling Students?
  • 20:25 - Are the Liberal Arts Thriving at Wheaton?
  • 22:45 - Trends with International Students?
  • 24:10 - "Woke-ism" at Wheaton?
  • 25:55 - Academic Freedom?
  • 27:50 - Intuition in Admissions?
  • 29:10 - Catholic Students?
  • 30:10 - The Hammer-Throw at Wheaton?
  • 30:50 - Athletics and Enrollment