Excellent summer sports experiences led by top-notch Thunder coaches and instructors.

Summer activities at Wheaton College - girl's basketball

Wheaton Thunder athletic camps are designed to teach the camper both basic and advanced skill development in a fun atmosphere where the Lordship of Jesus is both taught and modeled.

Basketball Camp

The summer of 2019 provides the 53rd session of Wheaton College Basketball Camp. From its inception under Lee Pfund to its current direction under head coach Mike Schauer, the Wheaton Camp has placed an emphasis teaching the fundamentals of the game alongside teaching character development. Over 10,000 young men and women have benefited from attending the Wheaton basketball camps.

Day Camp for boys and girls grades 1-4

August 5-9, 2019 (9-11 a.m.)

Day Camp for boys and girls grades 1-4 

$120 before June 1, $140 after June 1

August 5-9, 2019  (9 a.m.-3 p.m.)

Day Camp for boys and girls grades 5-8

$225 before June 1, $250 after June 1

Register and Learn More

Register online. For more information, visit athletics.wheaton.edu.

Wrestling Camp

Come train with Wheaton head wrestling coach and Olympian Jim Gruenwald!

This camp is for wrestlers in grades 1-12. Wrestlers will be grouped appropriately based on ability and experience. Wrestlers should meet in the Great Hall (near the front desk) at the entry of the Sports and Recreation Complex.

June 25-27
July 9-11
July 23-25

Activities and Intro to Wrestling Session (10 a.m.-noon)
Games, tumbling/gymnastics skills, and basics of wrestling: $100
**Session + lunch: $130

The primary goal of this camp is to introduce wrestling to new wrestlers and to build the basic fundamental skills of beginning and experienced wrestlers. The session will include games, gymnastics, tumbling, balance, and basics of wrestling with a little bit of live wrestling. Any wrestler, from beginner to serious high school wrestler would benefit from improving fundamentals and learning to control their body.

Advanced Wrestling Session (1:30-3:30 p.m.)
Warm up, technique sessions, live wrestling, cool down: $100
**Session + lunch: $130

This camp is designed for the serious wrestler. The training session will follow the format of a college wrestling program and include a warm up, hand fighting, situational wrestling, live wrestling, and a cool down. Age is not a limit but be prepared to work hard.  

Combo Sessions (10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)
Includes both sessions: $175
**Combo sessions + lunch: $200

**Lunch will be provided on Wheaton’s campus at the award-winning Bon Appetit dining hall.

Register and Learn More

Register online. Learn more at athletics.wheaton.edu.