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Community Engagement

CSA cultivates enjoyment and appreciation for the arts in Wheaton and the local communities through outreach and special music events.

Visit our Facebook and Instagram accounts for the most up-to-date activities.

Suzuki Concerto Concert

Advanced violin, viola, cello and piano students perform concerto movements. This concert is always very inspiring. FREE

Piano Monster Concert

On selected years, the Piano Monster concert is a unique performing experience for students. This family-friendly concert features nearly 100 piano students grades K-high school performing piano duets and quartets in ensemble on six grand pianos. FREE

Artists Serving Others

CSA students use their musical and artistic gifts to serve others in the community.  Annually the Suzuki Strings program participates in a Community Service Day where ensembles visit and perform for local assisted living facilities. 

Additionally, individual studio students, parents and teachers participate in community projects such as packing food at the Food Depository, quilt-making at a local church, Operation Gratitude when notes of appreciation are sent to veterans. 

Part of the CSA mission is to serve and share the arts with others.