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Jeanne Johannessen

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Jeanne Johannesen, B.M.E., M.M.

Suzuki Cello/Violin


    Jeanne Johannesen teaches strings at all levels, and especially enjoys working with cello students at CSA. Her first introduction to the Suzuki philosophy was through her high school orchestra teacher, Merlin Escott, as he and violinist Mrs. Betty Haag brought Suzuki to Hull House Fine Arts Camp to work with students. Jeanne has taught at Suzuki Institutes and Workshops, and presented sessions at the Suzuki Association Conference many times, mostly on cello teaching topics. For the 2020 Conference, she served as Coordinator of the Suzuki Youth Orchestras. As the parent of two Suzuki students, she learned much about how children learn and develop character through Suzuki’s ideals. As a grandmother, she now gets to teach her granddaughter through Skype lessons, and is grateful that technology allows a feeling of closeness when distance prevents weekly visits!