Beethoven's Buddies (Special Needs)
Engaging students with special needs
Beethoven’s Buddies (BB) is an innovative music program which facilitates cognitive and emotional growth for students with developmental delays. BB uses integrated materials and assistive technology (such as the iPad) in private lessons. Need-specific resources may include Boardmaker, appropriate music apps and video models for weekly home practice.
Program benefits:
- Strengthens gross and fine motor skills, self-esteem and language development
- Enables self-expression and creativity
- Provides social interaction
- Connects families who are raising children with special needs
BB students have participated in:
- National Guild competitions
- National Keyboard conferences
- Music programs at schools and churches
About the BB Program

Group Chimes Class
Clementi's Colorful Chimes
An instrumental ensemble experience for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. All music is modified and color-coded to ensure student success. Parents are expected to attend class and aid in helping their children participate.
45 min |15 weeks | $145
SAT | 11:45am-12:30pm | Armerding 120
Noel Streacker, Instructor
Private Piano Lessons
Weekly private lessons are structured on the basis of the individual student's IEP, taught by CSA instructors Dr. Beth Bauer and Morgan Sobek. Students are encouraged to participate in an annual studio recital. Private Piano Lesson Pre-requisite: Successful completion of one year (2 semesters) of Chimes class.
30 min/15 weeks | $760
45 min/15 weeks | $1,040
Steps to Enroll
- Register—Complete the online registration form and submit a $35 registration fee to the CSA office.
- Consultation with program coordinator—Placement is contingent upon consultation with Dr. Bauer. You may be asked to submit the student's IEP.
- Prepare to purchase/rent a non-electric piano (private lessons only).