Personal Brand Checklist
Personal Brand Checklist
Which of the following checklist items have you accomplished thus far in your career journey?
Select all that apply:
Elevator Pitch
Cover Letter
Online Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Industry Players
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Test 10
Great start!
Way to go taking those first steps. Keep telling your story, exploring your options, and working on those skills. Drop-Ins are a great way to do a check-in on your progress and a 1:1 with your coach will help you generate ideas for exploration and skill-development. Keep up the good work!
You are on your way!
By now you are getting used to this career journey. Your resume is coming together, your online presence is looking good, and you are working hard on those skills. If you want some tips on next steps, touch base with your Career Coach for suggestions. You're doing great!
Time to apply!
Wow! You’ve been working hard and it shows. Your confidence should be high, employers are going to love hearing all about your accomplishments, and you are in a great spot to contribute in an organization. Now go land that job/internship/spot in grad school!