Give Through Your Will or Trust

You can make an estate gift – also called a “bequest” – to Wheaton College through your will or trust. An estate gift allows you to make a significant gift while maintaining control over your assets during your lifetime. The terms of your will or trust are flexible and can be modified if your charitable priorities shift.

How to Include Wheaton in Your Will or Trust

Sample Estate Gift Language

Below is sample language you can provide to your estate planning attorney for a bequest of a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the estate/trust assets:

  • I hereby give to Wheaton College, located in Wheaton, Illinois, the sum of $___  of my estate or trust assets.
  • I hereby give to Wheaton College, located in Wheaton, Illinois, ___% of my estate or trust assets.

Choose Where Your Gift Will Go at Wheaton

You can designate your estate gift to a specific area of the College, such as an endowed scholarship, the Conservatory or other academic department, athletics, etc. We are happy to work with you on the specifics of your gift.

For additional information, please contact us

“[We were] convinced that Wheaton College had the best estate planning program that could facilitate our needs and provide for our various Kingdom causes.” — Bob and Brenda McDonell

The information herein is not intended as legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult with your attorney, financial or tax advisor for advice specific to your circumstances.