Welcome from the Dean
A Note from Scott Moreau, Dean of Wheaton College Graduate School
“The key to successful leadership today,” author Ken Blanchard once wrote, “is influence, not authority.” As we gaze into a future that promises ever increasing shifts in existing social, economic, academic and ecclesial structures (all taking place amidst an ever-widening global economy of ideas), we sense that these words will only prove truer tomorrow than they are today. If so, then those who emerge to fill the gaps of leadership will likely be those men and women who are best equipped to step back and navigate the shifting terrain of their respective fields. At the Wheaton College Graduate School, we see our job not so much as making leaders, but as providing emerging leaders with the disciplinary map they will need – a theologically integrated map that, come what may, will last a lifetime.
To this end, ever since 1937, the Graduate School has sought to occupy a unique place within the world of Christian higher education by providing a singular educational experience. Today, it is our goal to offer the tutelage of world-class scholars within a diverse community of vibrant faith – all the while thoroughly grounded in the authority of the Scriptures and thoughtfully engaged with the broader liberal arts. Not only has this been our heritage at Wheaton; it is also our future. As a graduate faculty, we are convinced that there is no better way forward in preparing tomorrow’s influencers for the challenges that await them.
If these commitments resonate with you, then I invite you to prayerfully consider exploring our community at the Wheaton College Graduate School. Should God open the door for you to join us, we would look forward to partnering, as we strive to think, be and do all things for Christ and His Kingdom.
Scott Moreau, D.Miss.
Professor of Intercultural Studies
Dean of the Graduate School