Communicating Christ in Skeptical Times

New Cohort Starting Summer 2025


Led by the Rev. Dr. Professor John Dickson, The Communicating Christ in Skeptical Times special topic cohort explores the challenges and opportunities of Christian leadership and ministry in our increasingly secular setting. Before coming to Wheaton, Dr. Dickson spent over two decades preaching, teaching, researching, writing, podcasting, pastoring, and media-ing in 'post-Christian' Australia. He brings all these loves together in three focused units, featuring a stellar cast of visiting professors and practitioners.

You can look forward to learning from practitioners such as...

amy orr-ewingDr. Amy Orr-Ewing
British author and
public intellectual 


Peter Wehner
Award-Wining Journalist and
Presidential Speechwriter



Topic 1 - The 'Communicating Jesus’ unit bridges two worlds—the study of the historical Jesus of the Gospels and the vital task of articulating the life, teaching, deeds, death, and resurrection of Jesus against a rising tide of doubt and antagonism toward the Christian Faith.

Topic 2 - The ‘Communicating in Public’ unit draws on the learnings of the prerequisite courses ‘Public Christianity for a Post-Christian World’ and ‘Communicating Jesus’ to provide an account of Christian verbal persuasion in skeptical times, whether in the pulpit or the public square. Students will submit their own speeches and sermons to detailed critique by leading Christian preachers and communicators.

Topic 3 - The ‘Communicating in the Media’ unit focuses on the theory and skills needed for Christian engagement in a variety of local and national media, including TV and radio interviews, writing opinion pieces for print and online outlets, podcasting, video presentations, and more. Students will have hands-on experience, guided by experienced journalists, podcasters, and documentary filmmakers. The emphasis is not on technical matters of media engagement—no previous media experience is needed—but on the communication skills required for the various formats.

hybrid-format-graphicHybrid Learning Format
Continuing your current role as you complete your D.Min. studies.


Take Your Leadership to the Next Level 

This concentration focuses on soul care, spiritual direction, and discipleship, covering individual and collective practices from various streams of spirituality with a particular emphasis on evangelical spirituality. The program aims to equip students with the essential skills to serve individuals with the greatest spiritual needs. This concentration is beneficial to anyone who guides others in their spiritual journey, including pastors, nonprofit leaders, youth leaders, cross-cultural workers, and others.

Learn At Your Own Pace

The D.Min. program at Wheaton allows students to remain in their current ministry roles while pursuing their degree. In-person intensives are offered twice a year during the spring and fall semesters, each lasting five days. Online courses are available during the summer semester for those in the 44-hour program with an MA. Click here to view the curriculum.

Learn From Leading Scholar Practitioners

Courses will be taught by leading scholar-practitioners in the field of spiritual formation. Professors will include Wheaton College Christian Formation and Ministry Faculty and guest faculty who are experts in the field of spiritual formation.

Ready to Learn More? Let Us Know!
