Alumni perspective

Ethan Lacey Headshot

"At Wheaton, your instructors treat you like colleagues and go the extra mile to help you develop into the best person and therapist you can be. I consider my relationships with professors to be the most formative and helpful facet of the CMHC program."

- Ethan Lacey, CMHC Graduate

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Lidya Tandayu Headshot

"As an international student, Wheaton College has introduced me to a different dimension of academic setting from my home country setting. I felt welcomed by professors who present themselves approachable by students, which is rare in my previous context."

- Lidya Tandayu, CMHC Graduate

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Regina Wong Headshot

"As an international student, I appreciated the multicultural application emphasized in every class, the diverse experiences of my cohort and faculty, and the availability and warmth of our professors and staff. I felt championed and believed in as they supported my vision and personal development throughout my two years here."

- Regina Wong, CMHC Graduate

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"Throughout practicum and internship, we receive incredible support. Unlike many programs, our professors help us find practicum sites and prepare us for each step. From meeting with different sites at PIE day to licensure applications, professors supported us through the entire process. Because of the encouragement of faculty members and fellow classmates, I feel more equipped as a clinician entering the workplace."

- Stephanie Olford, CMHC Graduate

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"My expectation going into the program was focused on the academic rigor of the technical training, so I was pleasantly surprised by the equal ground given to areas of personal, emotional, and spiritual development. Not only were we trained to become competent clinicians, we were pushed to explore our own identities and who we are in the counseling room."

- Daniel Pak

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Angkarin Headshot

"Wheaton equips me to have empathy toward others with the emphasis of being in the presence of people, listening, and accepting…My goal is to help people who struggle with mental illness to live in a healthier way, to have self-awareness, gain self-esteem, and flourish in who they are."

- Angkarin (Tik) Pimpaeng, M.A. ‘18

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