Alumni Stories
M.A. in History of Christianity Student and Alumni Stories
Our alumni pursue careers in a variety of academic, vocational, and ministry contexts. Read more about how their M.A. in History of Christianity prepared these alumni for their calling to serve Christ and His Kingdom.
Allison Brown M.A. '15
Writer and Editor, Museum of the Bible, Oklahoma City, OK.
Reformation concentration
"The History of Christianity program at Wheaton College provided opportunities to explore the richness and complexity of the history of the church. The range of courses in history, theology, languages, and historiography gave me a broad understanding of the history of Christianity, but also allowed the flexibility to study the Reformation and Puritanism in depth.
My professors and fellow graduate students, although from diverse personal and theological backgrounds, created a vibrant community of dialogue and respect. Wheaton College also provides opportunities for spiritual growth, personal development, and interdisciplinary learning.
My professors exposed me to the essential resources of the field, and encouraged me to engage with the current scholarly discussions through academic conference presentations and research opportunities. The program also prepared me to be a clear and convincing writer and an effective and thorough researcher, both necessary skills in my current position as writer and editor."
Marty Tomszak M.A.'14
Theology Adjunct Professor at Benedictine University, Integrative Studies in Ethics and Theology Ph.D. student at the University of Loyola Chicago.
Early Church Concentration
"The History of Christianity program at Wheaton College not only excels in preparing students through rigorous course work and the development of research skills but more importantly provides a basis for them to truly understand the nuances of the academic world. Whether it is through building relationships and creating networking opportunities, surrounding students with resources that ensure development (Billy Graham Center Archives, History of Christianity Graduate Student Conference, trips to Ashkelon, etc.), or exposing students to various methodologies and approach avenues to scholarship, Wheaton College provides an environment where students will thrive both during their time in the program and after.
For me personally, the History of Christianity degree prepared me for my current role as an adjunct professor by allowing me opportunities to develop course syllabi and lecturing skills as part of my work in the program, molding my writing skills in a way that went beyond course work and into the realm of understanding what publishers expect for articles and book reviews, and most importantly surrounding me with faculty that sparked a passion for academics in me."
Amber Thomas M.A.’10
Ph.D. Student, University of Edinburgh
M.A. American Studies Program
"My M.A. program prepared me very well for studying the history of modern evangelicalism at the Ph.D. level by providing opportunities to work with respected scholars who are shaping their fields. In addition, the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals and the Billy Graham Center Archives offered excellent research resources for my geographical emphases."
Sean DeWitt M.A.’11
"While there are certainly a number of institutions that demand and produce exemplary academic work, and many that encourage students to seriously grapple with the role of the Christian in the academy, Wheaton College uniquely combines both these emphases without sacrificing the integrity of either. This wonderful tension thrives daily at Wheaton not because of any structure or curriculum, but rather because of the conscious effort of each professor to cultivate such an environment for their students.
The most impressive aspect of Wheaton’s M.A. History of Christianity program is the way in which it prepared me for success in a myriad of fields. While many graduates will go on to be successful professor or pastors; the research, writing and presentation skills I honed in the program ideally equipped me for a career in consulting and publishing."
Katrina Wheeler M.A.’12
Ph.D. Student, City University of New York
Modern Christianity Concentration
"The M.A. program in the History of Christianity allowed me to focus in on my specific research interests, which in turn helped me to present my intended trajectory as a scholar in my applications to Ph.D. programs. By teaching and preparing me to be a thoughtful historian, Wheaton College helped form me to be a successful candidate for acceptance into a Ph.D. program as well as the recipient of funding to support my next stage of academic life.
Working as a Teaching Assistant gave me the opportunity to see what life as a scholar and a teacher looks like on the inside. Learning to work with prospographies and hand-written French documents from the eighteenth century provided me with vital training in the tools of the historian, while various research tasks and guest lecture opportunities gave me hands-on experience in preparing for the classroom."
Kevin Burkett M.A.’13
Accelerated M.A. Student
Early Christianity Concentration
"The acceleration of modern education is inevitable, as is the rising cost associated with advanced degrees, making efficient use of each academic year and summer a necessity to wise stewardship of educational opportunities. The accelerated master’s program makes an advanced scholarly program both affordable and expedient to undergraduate upperclassmen by capitalizing on the typically light course load of the senior year.
The strength of the Early Christianity concentration is found in the many resources available to students in the events, activities, and research of the Center for Early Christian Studies, as well as the opportunities for field research at the archeological dig in Ashkelon, Israel. As I plan to join the expedition to Ashkelon, which takes place in the summer and is heavily subsidized, it stands as just one example of the continuous and affordable educational opportunities available to Early Christian concentration students."
Hannah Kelley M.A. ’14
M.A. Student
Reformation Concentration
"My classes in the Reformation concentration have helped me develop the skills to navigate the intersection between theology and historical context, providing me with a comprehensive knowledge of the church in the early modern period. This challenging and rewarding education, coupled with professors' intentional efforts introduce students to wider scholarship, have given me a solid foundation upon which to continue my studies.
My time in the History of Christianity program with my husband has been a wonderful season of spiritual and intellectual growth. The opportunity to learn together in a community that shares our passion for the history of the church is invaluable."
David Reagles M.A. '13
Ph.D. '18, Drew University, Assistant Professor, Bethany Lutheran College
Modern Christianity Concentration
“The M.A. History of Christianity program at Wheaton was exactly what I needed to get accepted into a fully funded Ph.D. program. Close collaboration with faculty members, rigorous academic standards, excellent resources and congenial relationships with classmates each contributed to my scholarly development. I am now in a full-time, tenure track position at Bethany Lutheran College.
Within the Modern concentration, I was able to hone in on my narrow research interests while simultaneously gaining holistic understanding of the history of Christianity in the modern era. To sharpen further my scholarly abilities, Wheaton offered me an amazing number of opportunities for professional development, including serving as a teaching assistant, guest lecturing for several different courses, writing book reviews for academic journals and presenting papers at conferences."
Lindsey Hankins M.A. ’09
Ph.D. Student, Princeton Theological Seminary
Early Christianity Concentration
"Receiving the Early Christian Studies Fellowship was the catalyst I needed for bringing broad interests into refined focus through intimate seminar courses, the expertise and interests of peers in the program, and regularly scheduled conferences. Here I found not only the tools to further develop research and writing skills, but an entrance into an encouraging community as committed to academic rigor as it is the integration of that scholarship into everyday life.
Wheaton's Early Christianity program has been an incredible asset in my work as a doctoral candidate particularly with regard to the high value placed on critical engagement with primary source material in original languages. Moreover, the depth of relationships I gained from both peers and faculty has continued to be a network of encouragement, inspiration and constructive feedback for which I am exceedingly grateful."