Two Partnership Options for M.A.L. Students
The European Initiative Partnership
Wheaton College is partnering with Josiah Venture to office the M.A. in Leadership program in Europe, at at training center in the Czech Republic. LEAD is a Christ-centered and intentionally practical leadership development program. This program is available to anyone doing ministry in Central and Eastern Europe.
More information on the European Initiative Partnership.
The Mosaix Partnership
Wheaton College and the Mosaix Global Network offer an M.A. in Leadership to graduate students seeking to serve, establish or develop healthy multiethnic, biblically just, and financially sustainable churches and organizations for the sake of the gospel in an increasingly diverse society. Through this advanced degree, students receive Christ-centered, academically challenging, and onsite training from credible educators and proven practitioners to equip them for effective local church leadership and redemptive community engagement in the 21st century.
More information on the Mosaix Partnership.