Past Lecturers

Past Scandrette Lecturers

* Titles with links are linked to YouTube videos of lectures.

Speaker Year Title of Lecture
Bryan Dik 2024 Understanding Work as a Calling: Spiritual and Psychological Perspectives
Pamela King 2023 Living out Love: Spirituality, Virtues, and Thriving
Sarah Schnitker 2022 How do religiousness and spirituality facilitate--or hinder--the development of virtues?
David Wang 2021 An Integrative Exploration into the Relationship between Human and Spiritual Formation prior to and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Julie Exline 2019 Looking Beyond the Material World: Spiritual Struggles and Supernatural Attributions
Mark Yarhouse 2018 Integrative Domains and Current Trends in the Integration of Psychology and Christianity
Mark McMinn  2017  The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church 
Bill Hathaway 2016 Proactive versus Reactive Integration: Christian Engagement in Psychology
John Nunes 2015 Tired of Talking about Diversity? Try This!
Angela Sabates 2014 Just Looking Out for Number 1? A Christian View of the Human Condition in Everyday Social Interaction
Gerald Sittser  2013 The Battle of the Heart: The Desert Fathers as Psychologists
Steven Sweatman 2012 Trends in Gospel Driven Global Engagement: How Christians in Psychology Can Shape the Next Generation
Neftali Serrano 2011 My Journey to Primary Care: A Vision for What it Means to be a Christian in Psychology
Nathaniel Wade 2009 Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Reflections from a Scholar-Practitioner
Charles R. Carlson  2008 Integration as Intentional Ministry: Helping Others Know Their Story 
Elizabeth L. Hall  2007  Minding the Body: An Integrative Examination of Embodiment 
Walter C. Wright Jr.  2006  On Belay: Finding Mentors for the Journey 
Stanton L. Jones  2005  Thinking as a Christian on the Hardest Cases: Sexuality, Homosexuality, and the Contours of a Christian Mind 
Peter C. Hill 2004 Living on the Boundary: Thinking Christianly About Psychology
Everett L. Worthington Jr. 2003 Unforgiveness, the Injustice Gap, Forgiveness, and Justice
Warren S. Brown 2002 Body and Soul, or Soulish Body? Finding Resonance between Neuroscience, Psychology, and Theology
Kaye V. Cook 2001 The Emergence of Character
Larry J. Crabb Jr.  2000  A New Paradigm for Christian Counseling 
Joseph M. Walsh  1999  Strengthening the Ecclesial Fabric: Psychology at the Service of the Church 
Malcolm Jeeves  1998  Whatever Happened to the Soul? A Neuropsychologist's Reflections on Changing Views of the Person 
Howard Stevenson  1997  Can I Get a Witness? 
Jack & Judy Balswick  1996  Biblical Foundations for Relationships 
Benedict Groeschel 1994 Psychology of Continuing Conversion
David Myers 1993 The Pursuit of Happiness: Who is Happy and Why
Charles R. Ridley  1992  An Integration Perspective on the Leadership Failure in Galatians 2:11-14 
Mary VanderGoot  1991  Gospel, Science, and the Search for Personal Truth
Thomas Oden  1990  Lessons for Psychologists from the History of Pastoral Care 
Everett L. Worthington  1989  Christian Research in Secular Psychology: Can It Be? 
Stephen Evans 1988 Taking Values Seriously in Psychology 
Wayne Oates  1987 The Presence of God and the Well-being of Personality 
John Fantuzzo   1986  A Ministry to Children and Parents Through the Alignment of Psychology and Theology  
Paul C. Vitz   1985  A Christian Theory of Personality  
Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen   1985  Winds of Change in Psychology—And Their Implications for Christians  
James R. Dolby   1983  The Story of a Man—The Evolution of a Psychologist Who is Christian 
William F. Weitzel  1982  Performance Management from a Christian Perspective  
David G. Meyers 1981 The Inflated Self: A New Look at Pride


School of Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy