Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center


Honeyrock ClassroomFor over 55 years, Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center, tucked away in beautiful, north-central Wisconsin, has provided programs and facilities in a camping environment with a trained, service-oriented staff who use the Word of God to initiate faith and cultivate maturity in Jesus Christ.  Forest Springs and Wheaton College’s Center for Leadership Development at HoneyRock have developed a partneship to offer ministry training through the following program:

M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership (OAL)

For information on how to apply for these degree programs, contact Ashley Condra at

Forest Springs staff, volunteers, ministry leaders, and current and past students in the LTD program can join a cohort of students and receive up to a 25% tuition discount. Students can also serve as Graduate Assistants at Forest Springs while graduate students. For more information on how to apply as part of the Forest Springs partnership, contact Norm Hoyt at


The M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership is best suited to those early in their careers, looking for excellent training to launch them into leadership and ministry with youth and emerging adults in camps, colleges, and churches. This program usually takes two years but may also be completed in the flexible learning format over a longer period of time.

The M.A. in Leadership – Outdoor Ministry Track is designed for mid-career professionals in camp-related outdoor ministry, who desire to grow deeper in their leadership and practice in diverse settings. This degree is also ideal for professionals in other vocations, who are looking to transition into leadership positions in ministry with youth and emerging adults.  This program will typically takes three years but may also be completed in the flexible learning format over a longer period of time.

The M.A. in OAL Degree requires 40 credit hours to graduate. Classes include 32 hours of required core courses:

MML 503 Cultural Engagement (2)

MML 512 Leadership and Spiritual Formation (4)

OAL 518 Research Methods for Ministry (2)

OAL 534 Care and Counsel in Ministry (2)

OAL 549 Program Philosophy and Planning (4)

OAL 595 Foundations of Experiential Education (2)

OAL 662 Theology and Practice of Outdoor Ministry (4)

OAL 663 Organizational Leadership and Staff Development (4)

BITH 565/566/576 Biblical or Theological Studies course (4)

OAL 682 Integrative Seminar (2)

OAL Final Project (CFM 692 Creative Project or CFM 698 Thesis/Applied Thesis) (2 hours)

Students also complete 8 credit hours of electives that may include specific Forest Springs LTD program courses or other courses in the Litfin Divinity School.

The M.A. in GLOM requires 36 hours to graduate.  Courses include 30 hours of required core courses:

MML 503 Cultural Engagement (2)

MML 512 Leadership and Spiritual Formation (4)

LEAD 547 Communication and Leadership (2)

LEAD 652 Strategic Management (2)

LEAD 662 Developing Diverse People in Multicultural Teams (2)

OAL 549 Program Philosophy and Planning (4)

OAL 662 Theology and Practice of Outdoor Ministry (4)

OAL 663 Organizational Leadership and Staff Development (4)

BITH 565/566/576 Biblical or Theological Studies course (4)

OAL 682 Integrative Seminar (2)

Students also complete 6 credit hours of electives that may include specific Forest Springs LTD program courses or other courses in the Litfin Divinity School.

Cohorts of 15 or more students working through either of the programs together in lockstep receive a 25% tuition discount.

All other students participating in the Forest Springs partnership receive a 15% tuition discount, even if they are not in a cohort or follow a flexible learning format.

Students in the M.A. in OAL or GLOM degree programs are able to continue working in their current roles at Forest Springs or elsewhere while completing the program in a flexible learning format. The courses are all offered in modular (1 to 2-week long intensives), hybrid (a mix of online with 1 to 2-day residential sessions), or online formats. To accommodate busy schedules at work, students take an average of 4-8 credit hours per semester and complete the degree in three or more years.

Learn more about the admission requirements for the M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership and the M.A. in Global Leadership - Outdoor Ministry Track by following these links.

Interested in the Forest Springs Camp Partnership?

It's time to earn your degree and take your leadership and ministry to the next level!

Contact Us

Wheaton College Graduate School

Graduate Admissions
Billy Graham Hall, Room 258
501 College Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187

Phone Toll free: 800.888.0141