Open Bible Churches

Be inspired. Be challenged. Be equipped.

Do you have a desire to deepen your faith and raise your level of leadership while collaborating with other Open Bible Church pastors and leaders? Open Bible Churches has partnered with Wheaton to create a cohort that will equip you to take your ministry to the next level.

The Open Bible Church cohort is a group of graduate students who choose to grow and learn together through Wheaton's M.A. in Ministry Leadership. The cohort enables you to learn and grow with other Open Bible Church leaders through a unique program that allows you to stay active in your world. The cohort provides opportunities for study, conversation, and involvement with other participants during classes. You have the opportunity to be part of a unique cohort specifically for Open Bible church leaders where you can earn an M.A. in Ministry Leadership from Wheaton College Graduate School. You will take classes one at a time together online, with a generous scholarship toward your tuition for a full cohort.*

*If fewer than 15 students enroll, you will still be eligible for a smaller scholarship toward tuition.


  • The Open Bible Church association is a premier connector and developer for outstanding ministry leaders and partners. Wheaton College is one of the premier Christian Graduate School educators in the world. This partnership has the potential of educating and developing leaders equipped to engage their world for the cause of Christ.
  • You will have the opportunity to explore the world-class city of Chicago. It will give you the chance to experience the culture of the city and explore models of ministry that are influencing leaders around the world.
  • You have the opportunity to be part of a unique cohort specifically for Open Bible church leaders where you can earn an M.A. in Ministry Leadership from Wheaton College Graduate School. You will take classes one at a time together online, with a generous scholarship toward your tuition for a full cohort.

A cohort is simply a group of people brought together for a common purpose. In a cohort model, students stay together as a group throughout the program, allowing them to develop deep life relationships with other leaders who are hungry to expand their biblical knowledge of Christ and His kingdom. The goal of a cohort is for the group to stay together as a learning community for the entire length of the program.

Great question! We are targeting two primary groups, credentialed ministers and other church leaders. What types of church leaders? Whatever type you are. You may have a title and official responsibility, or you may have an unofficial responsibility of influence. If your pastor considers you a leader in the church, then so do we.

As cultural changes accelerate, we need ministry leaders skilled in theory and practice who are able to make disciples and pursue Jesus’ mission in the world. The M.A. in Ministry Leadership is built with three core competency areas to train culturally savvy leaders for a life of service: mission, Bible and theology, and leadership.

For Open Bible Churches pastors and leaders, specific courses will include some theological reflection and practical application that is relevant to our specific beliefs, values, and missional approach.

The M.A. in Ministry Leadership has 42-credit hours of course work and is built on three core competency areas that are essential for ministry.

Mission Core:

The mission core is designed to train ministry leaders to be change agents for the Church and society and lead churches that grow through conversion. 

  • EVAN 526 Gospel: Theological Perspectives (4)
  • EVAN 542 Church: Movements and Models (4)
  • EVAN 545 Culture: Emerging and Global (4)

Leadership Core:

The leadership core is designed to help ministry leaders effectively lead organizations, themselves, and others, using their influence to transform the people and communities around them.

  • MIN 547 Preaching (2)
  • MIN 559 Organizational and Leadership Change in Ministry (4)
  • MIN 558 Personal Development and Leadership in Ministry (4)
  • MIN 561 Congregational Leadership: Worship, Discipleship, and Care (4)

Bible and Theology Core:

The Bible and theology core is designed to ground ministry leaders with a strong biblical, evangelical foundation so they can thoughtfully engage the world for Christ.

  • BITH 533 Exploring the Old Testament (4)
  • BITH 555 Exploring the New Testament (4)
  • BITH 565 Christian Theology (4)
  • BITH 566 Foundations for Biblical Interpretation (4)
  • MIN 692 Comprehensive Exam (0)

The two full-time professors in the program are Rick Richardson, and Rochelle Scheuermann. The Bible and theology core is taught by professors in that department such as Jennifer Powell McNutt, John Walton, Vincent Bacote, and David Capes. Additionally, Wheaton College brings in world-class guest faculty who are experts in particular subject areas.

Nope! The modular and online program allows you to remain in your community and keep your job while earning your degree by taking the majority of classes online.

Three valuable one-week intensive/modular courses occur at the beginning, about halfway, and at the end. These allow you to connect and interact in person with faculty, your fellow cohort members, and Open Bible leaders. The intensive/modular format courses begin the semester online with introductory assignments, then continue with a 6-day on-campus intensive portion, and finish with papers and/or projects for the remainder of the semester (see schedule).

Online courses are either 7 or 15 weeks long and can be done from anywhere! This structure enables students to immediately apply their learning in their current context while earning a master's degree.

You pay the tuition for one course at a time, as you complete the program. Payment plans are available, and each course must be paid for before you can sign up for the next course. Since the tuition rates are different in Summer vs Fall and Spring and may change in the future, the exact final cost of the degree cannot be determined.

However, because of the partnership with Open Bible Churches, if you join a cohort of at least 15 Open Bible students, you will receive a generous tuition discount. That will amount to a savings of over $9,000 from standard tuition.

In order to keep the pace of this M.A. program manageable for extremely busy people, we have chosen a degree sequence of 4 credits each semester, usually one course at a time. This means qualifying students would be eligible for financial aid in the summer semester. The government requires a student to carry a certain credit load to be eligible for financial aid (4-credits in the summer semester and 6-credits in the fall and spring semesters). You will need to consult with the Student Financial Services office to learn about personal eligibility qualifications.

Most students order their books from an online retailer. Many, but not all, of the books are available in electronic form. The average cost of books for a 4-credit course is $120.

The program does not begin until Summer of 2019, so tuition has not yet been set, and regulations do not permit colleges to release tuition estimates. However, you need to know how to plan so you are welcome to call President Randall Bach, who will be pleased to share with you what he believes is a fair approximation of your tuition cost (as of this time, Wheaton College does not charge fees in addition to tuition). His calculation will provide an informed although not official estimate of your anticipated tuition cost. Of course, you will also need to plan for your own travel expenses for the three on-site courses.

Open Bible Churches will contribute a $250 grant toward each enrolled and registered student in the cohort, payable to the college. Additionally, some regions have grant assistance funds available for cohort enrollees. Contact your regional director for more information. Also, it is hoped some churches are willing to invest in their pastor’s M.A. education with scholarship assistance. Please see President Bach's video and downloadable letter below for church board members and elders.

More questions?

Contact We’re here to help and look forward to connecting with you! Or visit the Open Bible Churches website here to learn more.

Interested in the Open Bible Church cohort?

Getting an M.A. in Ministry Leadership can take your ministry to the next level.

Contact Us

Wheaton College Graduate School

Graduate Admissions
Billy Graham Hall, Room 258
501 College Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187

Phone Toll free: 800.888.0141