Women in Leadership Cohort

Be inspired. Be challenged. Be equipped.

We are not accepting students for this cohort at this time.




In the summer of 2017,  Christine Caine, an internationally known speaker, author, and influencer decided to pursue her M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership Program. She invited others to join her on the journey. When the cohort reached the cap, more women were still interested in joining! As a result, Wheaton College Graduate School and Propel Women have partnered together to make the M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership degree more accessible and affordable for students through the Women in Leadership Women cohort.

*This cohort is open to all interested students/participants, regardless of sex.


Wheaton College is one of the premier Christian Graduate School educators in the world. This partnership has the potential of educating and developing women leaders equipped to engage their world for the cause of Christ.  

You will have the opportunity to explore the world-class city of Chicago. It will give you the chance to experience the culture of the city and explore models of ministry that are influencing leaders around the world.

There are only 20 spots available for each cohort, so apply now!

A cohort is simply a group of people brought together for a common purpose. In a cohort model, students stay together as a group throughout the program, allowing them to develop deep life relationships with other leaders who are hungry to expand their biblical knowledge of Christ and His kingdom. The goal of a cohort is for the group to stay together as a learning community for the entire length of the program.

The Women in Leadership cohort is a group of graduate students who choose to grow and learn together through Wheaton's M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership. The cohort enables you to learn and grow with other women leaders through a unique program that allows you to stay active in your world. The cohort provides opportunities for study, conversation, and involvement with other participants during classes.

Since the best value of the cohort is the connections you will make with your classmates, we’ve designed the curriculum for you to progress together as a group in order for you to grow academically and spiritually together. If you join a cohort of at least 15 students, you will take the courses with the same group of women, building lasting relationships as a learning community. In addition, each member of the cohort will receive a group-rate tuition discount.

However, you can choose to work towards your degree at your own pace with other non-cohort students in the Evangelism and Leadership program. In addition, you would receive a tuition discount.

We ask that you decide at the start of the program whether you will join the cohort or choose the self-paced option.

What if I need to miss a cohort class?

Students who need to miss a class in the cohort schedule must get advanced approval from their advisor and work out a method to make up the course credits. If a student misses more than 8 credits of cohort courses, they will no longer be considered part of the cohort. The advisor will assist the student in transitioning to a self-paced degree sequence and the student will receive the self-paced scholarship rate.

Nope! Our modular and online program allows you to keep your job while earning your degree by taking both one-week intensive courses and a few online courses as well.

Intensive courses are 5 days long, running from Monday through Saturday from 8:30am-5:30pm each day, with a one-hour lunch break. Each course has pre- and post-reading and writing that you can do from home.

Online courses are either 8 or 16 weeks long and can be done from anywhere!


The tuition only covers the cost of enrolling at Wheaton College Graduate School.

You are not required to stay on Wheaton's campus, however, there are affordable housing options available. Visit the Living at Wheaton website for information. Also, once you meet the other Cohort members, you may decide to find a hotel together for future classes.

More questions?


Contact graduate.admissions@wheaton.edu We’re here to help and look forward to connecting with you! 

Interested in the Women in Leadership cohort?

The M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership is a more affordable and accessible degree for women everywhere.