M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership is a degree for leaders with evangelistic passion and missional edge. It will motivate and equip you to become a change agent for the gospel in whatever church, organizational, marketplace, or missionary context in which you find yourself. Most of our students work, so we have designed the degrees to be flexible enough to fit within those busy schedules. ReTrain and Wheaton College have partnered together to gather a cohort of students who graduated from the Acts29 ReTrain program who will complete the MA together.
See the Evangelism and Leadership course catalog for the course descriptions.
A cohort is simply a group of people brought together for a common purpose. In a cohort model, students stay together as a group throughout the program. The goal of a cohort is for you to build lasting relationships with a learning community that stays together for the entire length of the program.
The cohort model means that your fellow students will be taking each course with you, allowing you to develop deep life relationships with others who are hungry to expand their biblical knowledge for Christ and His Kingdom.
As a part of the ReTrain Cohort, you will be eligible for 8 credits of advanced standing. Additionally, courses are provided online, and on the Wheaton College campus.
Wheaton on-campus classes are weeklong intensives, in-person, and have pre- and post-class assignments. They run from Monday-Saturday, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break. Wheaton online classes are either 8 or 16 weeks, depending on the number of credits.
Upon successful completion of the Wheaton classes, and certification of your ReTrain coursework you will receive 8 credits of Advanced Standing for the towards the Wheaton M.A. Please note, these credits cannot be transferred to another institution.
Self-paced ReTrain students who enroll in the degree receive a tuition discount.
If a group of 15-25 students takes the classes at the same time and progress through the degree together, then each member of that group will receive a higher group-rate tuition discount.
If you join a cohort of 15-25 ReTrain students, you will take the courses with the same group, building lasting relationships as a learning community. In addition, each member of the cohort will receive a group-rate tuition discount.
However, if you decide not to join the cohort, but you have completed the ReTrain program, you will be able to take the Wheaton courses at your own pace with other non-cohort students in the Evangelism and Leadership program. In addition, you would receive a self-paced student rate tuition discount.
We ask that you decide at the start of the program whether you will join the cohort or choose the self-paced option.
Students who need to miss a class in the cohort schedule must get advanced approval from their advisor and work out a method to make up the course credits. Please note, depending on the situation, classes taken outside of the cohort may only receive the self-paced student discount rate.
Start your application on our website by creating your profile and selecting “ReTrain” from the list of partnership scholarship options on the checkbox in order to qualify for the tuition discount.
Deadlines for admission are on a rolling basis, but it is recommended you apply early. The deadline for registering for a course with advanced work assignments is one month prior to the first day of class.
More questions?
Contact graduate.admissions@wheaton.edu. We’re here to help and look forward to connecting with you!
Become a change agent for the gospel with an M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership.