Organizational Leadership Concentration

Why Pursue the Organizational Leadership Concentration?

The Organizational Leadership Concentration exists to equip you with knowledge, spiritual understanding, and skills to lead in a culturally diverse world. This concentration best serves those already leading, especially in experiential programs at camps, colleges, and churches globally, who desire to grow in their leadership and practice. This degree is also ideal for professionals in other vocations, considering transitions into positions in ministry with youth and emerging adults.

This M.A. in OAL, Organizational Leadership Concentration is your invitation to join from wherever you are, to collaborate in serving Jesus Christ, and advancing His kingdom through excellence in global leadership and experiential ministry. You will find our alumni applying their training and experience from this program at churches, camps, and colleges throughout the world.

Program Distinctives 

Skills to Lead in a Globalized World

In our increasingly connected world, the demand for visionary, culturally intelligent, and value-driven leaders is ever-growing. The Organizational Leadership Concentration is designed to nurture a new generation of Christ-centered experiential leaders in camps, conferences, churches, and beyond. This is a unique leadership program that combines evidence-based leadership research, biblical engagement, and practical skill development.  

Program Distinctives

We believe effective leadership development requires three foundational pillars:

The M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership, Organizational Leadership Concentration is designed to holistically elevate students’ leadership capacity by building on all three pillars with a global impact in mind. In this program, you will interact with and learn from globally renowned scholars as well as real-world experts from organizational and outdoor ministry contexts.

Flexible Learning Format

Students are able to continue working in their current vocations while completing the program in flexible learning formats. All courses are offered in modular (7-10 day intensives), hybrid (mix of online with 2- to 3-day residential sessions), or online formats. To accommodate busy work and family schedules, students take an average of 8 credit hours per semester, completing the degree in three years. 

Admission Requirements

Learn more about the Admission Requirements to apply for the M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership.

OAL OL Course Requirements

OAL – Organizational Leadership Concentration students complete 38 hours of credit to graduate. They include 26 hours of core courses, and 12 hours specific to the concentration.

26 credit hours - required core:

12 hours specific to the concentration as follows:

And 4 hours of electives selected from the Leadership Program that include: