ELIC TEFL Certificate
ELIC TEFL Certificate
First year ELIC teachers serving for year or longer with ELIC acquire a graduate-level Teaching as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate through Wheaton College.
The Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a comprehensive, intensive introduction to the theory and methodology of English language teaching in global educational contexts. Since 2005, over 700 teachers have gone through the TEFL Certificate Program.
Distinct Components of the TEFL Certificate
Introduction to TEFL Methodology
In this course, the teachers learn fundamental teaching and planning techniques for the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as well as other key areas such as pronunciation and grammar. As a practical introduction to teaching methodology, this part of the Certificate provides new teachers with a valuable set of resources to use in the future and it provides experienced teachers with a good refresher on English language teaching methodology.
Classroom Dynamics Practicum
In this course, teachers will have in-depth instruction on the how to present instruction and manage a classroom in an Asian context. Teachers will explore and reflect on areas such as how to plan a lesson, how to conduct a language drill, how to structure group work effectively, and how to deal with management issues.
Observations and Mentoring
Each teacher will be observed multiple times in a real classroom by an experienced mentor. We see this mentoring process as a critical component of the Certificate. While the classes provide invaluable methods and resources, it is vitally important to apply these ideas appropriately in the classroom. We recognize that teaching is a profession requiring a significant amount of on-the-job training, and we have set up the Certificate requirements with this in mind.
Learn More
If you have any questions about the ELIC TEFL certificate program, please contact an ELIC representative.