Alumni Testimonials

The doctoral program in Biblical and Theological Studies began in 2002 with the establishment of fully endowed doctoral fellowships. Since then, 98% of our Ph.D. graduates have secured full-time vocational positions in a variety of settings. Hear what alumni are saying about their time here at Wheaton College.

Kevin Wong, Ph.D. 2021

Wheaton College was some of the most challenging and rewarding years of my life. I constantly look back on those times with great fondness. It has profoundly shaped me into the professor that I am today, and I am forever grateful for my education there. 

Cooper Smith, Ph.D. 2019

My doctoral studies at Wheaton College is one of God’s gracious gifts in my life. Wheaton’s program is uniquely designed to form an interdisciplinary scholar who can maneuver with biblical and theological sensitivity while also contributing to academic discussions at the highest levels—all for the purpose of exalting Christ and edifying his church. 

Daniel Hill, Ph.D. 2018

Wheaton College’s doctoral program is a unique and special place. There isn’t another program quite like it. Here, you will find mentors who invest in you as a person and a scholar, mentors who are brilliant but also wonderful people. Here, you will interact with world-class scholars from multiple disciplines who love the church and strive to equip her and serve her well. But more than anything else, at least for me, Wheaton College’s doctoral program is a place where you can receive the training that enables you to read Holy Scriptures as God’s Word to us.

Carmen Imes, Ph.D. 2016

Wheaton was an ideal place in which to prepare for a lifetime of scholarship and teaching. The intimate size of the program fostered a collaborative environment and formed lifelong friendships. Wheaton’s high-caliber faculty were accessible and full of wisdom.

Stephanie Lowery, Ph.D. 2016

Wheaton College has been the ideal program for me. I particularly appreciated the encouraging, welcoming community of my fellow students, and the close interactions with my advisor from day one onward.

James Gordon, Ph.D. 2015

One of the main reasons I decided to do my doctoral work at Wheaton College was that few programs offered the kind of interdisciplinary work in which I was interested. Trying to cross the boundaries between theology and biblical studies––not to mention philosophy!––can be an occupational hazard, but the faculty at Wheaton helped me navigate the accompanying challenges carefully.

Amy Hughes, Ph.D. 2013

My time in the PhD program researching the tradition of the Church has been a source of great joy. I benefited greatly from being a part of the Wheaton Center for Early Christian Studies, having been able to meet and engage top scholars in my field as a result. Although my focus was historical theology specifically, formal and informal interaction with my colleagues in biblical studies and systematic theology was common and a source of enrichment.

Uche Anizor, Ph.D. 2012

The doctoral program at Wheaton College provided the ideal environment for me to grow into a Ph.D. student. I am grateful to my cohort for providing companionship in a non-competitive environment, while, by their lives, prodding me to pursue excellence in the many areas of my own life.

Laurie Norris, Ph.D. 2011

I am profoundly grateful for my doctoral mentor, Dr. Douglas Moo. His utmost humility and integrity in scholarship, both in his ongoing pursuit of truth and in his gracious dialogue, are truly a model to emulate.

Dane Ortlund, Ph.D. 2010

It has been a great mercy of God to study at Wheaton. The integrative blend of Bible and theology was rich and fruitful.

Chee-Chiew Lee, Ph.D. 2010

Wheaton College’s Ph.D. program brings together a unique combination of interdisciplinary studies, rigorous scholarship, and a deep concern for the edification of the church through biblical studies and theological reflection.

Michael Allen, Ph.D. 2007

The interdisciplinary nature of the Wheaton Ph.D. is its raison d'être, and I have found that this emphasis will forever shape my approach to theological studies.

Contact Us

Graduate Biblical and Theological Studies

Billy Graham Hall
501 College Avenue
Wheaton, IL 60187
