Brittany Kim, Ph.D. 2014
Recipient of the Bourne Fellowship
Adjunct Faculty for Religion
Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY
My dissertation, entitled “ ‘Enlarge the Place of Your Tent’: The Metaphorical World of Israel’s Household in the Book of Isaiah,” was completed under the supervision of Dr. Richard Schultz. In it I take a literary approach to explore how the book of Isaiah portrays Israel and its capital city using five metaphors that arise from the realm of household relationships—sons/children, daughter(s), mother, wife, and servant(s). Drawing selectively on the resources of metaphor studies and rhetorical criticism, I examine each metaphor to determine its rhetorical import and, if possible, trace its development throughout the book. Then, pulling together insights from these individual studies, I draw connections and highlight contrasts between the various metaphors. Finally, I conclude by tracing the metaphors’ trajectories through the NT, surveying how the daughter and mother metaphors have been used throughout the history of the church, and suggesting some ways in which Isaiah’s use of these metaphors might inform the church’s appropriation of them today.
Wheaton College was a wonderful place for me to complete my doctoral studies. The small size of the program facilitates significant interaction between student and mentor, and I am so thankful for all of the support and guidance I received from my mentor, Richard Schultz, at each stage of my program. He modeled both careful scholarship and service to the church, gave me invaluable counsel on my dissertation work, prayed with me during difficult times, and sought out opportunities for me to develop as a teacher and a scholar. I also grew academically and spiritually through the many conversations I had with other faculty members and fellow students both inside and outside the classroom. The environment is collaborative, rather than competitive, and I developed deep relationships with my peers and professors. Finally, the cross-disciplinary nature of the program challenged me to draw on the resources of the historical church in my exegetical work and to consider the theological implications of my interpretive decisions.