Daniel Owens, Ph.D. 2012
Recipient of the Ken and Margaret Taylor Fellowship
Senior Lecturer,
Cooperative Studies, Overland Park, KS
Visiting Professor of Old Testament,
Singapore Bible College
My dissertation, "Portraits of the Righteous on the Ethical Landscape of Book I of the Psalter" (Pickwick), sought to remedy the virtual neglect of the ethics of the Psalter by exploring four portraits of righteous character (Psalms 15, 24, 34, and 37). I found that the didactic voice in these portraits provides orientation along the rocky path of the first book of the Psalter. Read in light of the portraits, Book I challenges readers to grapple with the complex relationship between character and its outcome, to hope in YHWH’s deliverance, and to respond to the suffering of the righteous with justice and compassion.
I came to Wheaton to grow as a student of the Bible and to become a scholar, with the goal of returning to Asia to contribute to theological education. The program was like an extended boot camp for a budding scholar. I read broadly and deeply in Old Testament studies and learned the crafts of research, writing, and biblical scholarship. It was a full three years, but I thrived under the close guidance of my doctoral mentor, Dr. Daniel I. Block, and other world-class faculty. I also enjoyed the community of Ph.D. students, who desired to cooperate in research rather than compete. Many also shared a vision for global theological education, which encouraged me and contributed to further reflection on my vocation as a scholar engaged with the global church.