Alumni Perspectives

Hear how the core values of the Psy.D. program: to develop holistically, pursue justice, and to serve with excellence, are manifested in the lives and careers of our alumni.

Develop Holistically

Dr. Lauren Axton Brereton '10

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

"Going to Wheaton helped me become the type of person that can do therapy. In my opinion, many people are able to learn psychology but being a psychologist is different and requires a specific set of skills and attention. It was here that Wheaton provided something invaluable beyond other programs."

J. Carrick Carter '11

Clinical Psychologist specializing in Pediatrics for the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

"My time at Wheaton truly fostered my spirituality development...the authentic community I found at Wheaton was imperative. During my graduate training, I was challenged with the concept of imago dei – being made in God’s image – as well as how views on this concept influence the work of a clinical inclination on the topic is that being made in the image of a triune God means that we are made to be in authentic relationship with God and his creation. We are made to be in community...The beauty in the design of my program at Wheaton is that learning takes place within the context of an authentic community with cohorts, faculty, staff, and supervisors. I was encouraged to participate in this community not as a competitor but as an authentic member."

Emma R. Campbell '10

Licensed Psychologist

"My time at Wheaton was very meaningful to me. Not only did I receive a strong education in clinical psychology, where ethics, research, and compassion were of foremost importance, but I felt that my professors were invested in me on a personal level. I felt supported, and I thrived in a program in which I truly respected my leadership. I will always value the time I had in the department and with the professors I worked with. In talking with others who attended different universities, I rarely hear reports of graduates feeling as connected and supported by their doctoral program. The Wheaton name goes far, and in any state I have practiced, there are people who have recognized it and respected the value it brings."

Pursue Justice

Stephanie R. Griffith '13

Licensed Clinical Psychological at Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago, IL

"As I am at the start of my career, working alongside professionals from numerous different graduate training programs, I feel increasingly confident in the training I received at Wheaton. The mission of this program is truly unique, as it equips students to think critically about how psychology can serve those who are marginalized, through the lens of a Biblical calling. Moreover, the faculty are dedicated and committed to the students and to the field of psychology. They take their role as "gatekeepers" of the field very seriously, and invest significant energy into the professional and spiritual development of their students. I continue to maintain strong connections with my mentors from graduate school, and believe that their impact will remain throughout my career."

Laura Schwent Shultz '12

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Director of Behavioral Health at Christ Community Health Services in Memphis, TN 

"As I have now worked in several different clinical settings, I can confidently state that the training I received at Wheaton was fantastic. Not only have I felt beyond prepared as a clinician and a researcher, but I have developed a deeper level of compassion for those I serve. There are many ways in which I have grown through my time at Wheaton.

For example, I recall distinctly a comment that Dr. Yangarber-Hicks wrote on one of my papers during my first year. I had written that I tended to be a "black and white" thinker and she scratched in the margin, "That will change here. You will need to learn to accept that there is much more gray." At the time, I did not fully understand what she meant and I inwardly felt a bit of resistance when reading her comment. She continued to stretch my thinking throughout my time in the program, as did many of the other faculty members. 5 years later, after sitting with many people hurting from various illnesses or difficult circumstances, I have indeed seen much more gray, and I am better for it both professionally and personally.

Wheaton stretched me personally and spiritually, while also equipping me with all the knowledge I needed to excel in various professional settings. I will forever be grateful, as I have been forever changed."

Danielle King '10

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Primary Care Psychologist at Tampa Family Health Center

"The teaching and mentoring I received in the Wheaton College PsyD program taught me what it means to commit one's life and profession to underserved communities as a response to God's call. I will forever be indebted to the professors who invested in my life and professional development."

Serve with Excellence

Wheaton College Psy.D. Alumnus Craig MeffordCraig S. Mefford '11

Clinical Psychologist specializing in neuropsychology and rehabilitation psychology

"Of the five different academic institutions that I had attended for some form of psychology training (receiving a degree or certificate at each one), not only was the Wheaton College PsyD program the most challenging, but it was (by far) the most collegial."

Jennifer Dyson '08

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Assistant Professor of Psychology at Sterling College

"My time at Wheaton was a time of extraordinary personal and professional growth. During the program, I felt challenged by the amount of critical thinking and self-evaluation required of me. However, these tools (critical thinking and self-knowledge) were absolutely essential in training me to be a competent and compassionate clinical psychologist. I feel so fortunate that I was able to have the experience of attending Wheaton College. I am very blessed."

Megan Brown '12

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Behavioral Medicine Faculty Member at In His Image Family Medicine Residency.

"I feel very well-equipped to meet the challenges of my early career due to my training at Wheaton. I believe that the rigorous academic and clinical standards prepared me well for predoctoral internship, postdoctoral fellowship, and now the beginning of my career. I am particularly grateful for the push to integrate faith and psychology. At times, it was difficult to imagine how this might actually work in the "real world," particularly as I trained at non-Christian settings. However, I am now in an overtly Christian setting and I am expected to integrate faith into practice. I have started to pull out my old textbooks, notes, and class readers and digest the material with new eyes. Now that I have the solid clinical foundation, I am able to really understand how my faith already influences my work and how I can continue to grow as a Christian psychologist by adding more and more integrative pieces to my work."

Contact Us

Psychology, Counseling, and Marriage and Family Therapy

Billy Graham Hall, Mezzanine Level
501 College Avenue
Wheaton, IL 60187


School of Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy