Pre-Doctoral Internship

The Wheaton College Psy.D. program requires student to complete a one-year-internship in clinical psychology as part of degree requirements.

This is consistent with APA accreditation and licensure laws for clinical psychologists.  The pre-doctoral internship is a rigorous, full-time clinical training experience which serves as the clinical training keystone in student's doctoral training. 

See our placement for the last 5 years

Match Rates of Wheaton College Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology (2012-2020) and Comparisons to National Averages

Wheaton College:

% students matched (2012-2020) 95%
 % of matched students who matched to APA or CPA accredited internship (2012-2020) 85%

Wheaton College Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology Compared to National Averages between 2011 and 2019:

National Program Averages

Percentage points better (worse)

Clinical Psy.D. Programs 12 20
Clinical Ph.D. Programs 6 (1) 
All Doctoral Clinical Psychology Programs 9 9

Source: APPIC Match: 2011-2019 Match Rates by Doctoral Program. Wheaton College data on p. 343.

A few words about the 2020-21 interns...

Here are partial summary statistics for the students on doctoral internship in 2020-21:

Students who sought or applied for internships 15 100
Students who obtained internships 14 93
Students who obtained APA/CPA-accredited internships 14 93
Students who obtained APPIC member internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited internships 0 0
Students who obtained other internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited 0 0
Students who obtained paid internships 14 100

See a list of sites and locations where Wheaton College Psy.D. Program doctoral interns have placed for the past 5 years.

School of Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy