
Thanks for Believing

Friends of Wheaton have opted into being an ambassador and recruiter for Wheaton College. Thank you for believing that the Wheaton College educational experience has eternal impact in this world: for Christ and His Kingdom!  This map illustrates the many places around the world where our influencers are located. We still need Friends especially in Latin America! Join our Friends list!


Hot Wheaton "Video-of-the-Day"


Each week Christian Scholar’s Review hosts a podcast titled, “Saturdays at Seven.” This program offers substantive conversations with a broad range of Christian thought leaders from within higher education.

A recent edition featured a conversation with Wheaton’s President Phil Ryken. This discussion includes insights and perspectives that provide a glimpse into Dr. Ryken’s approach to leadership, a reiteration of Wheaton's theological foundations, our commitment to whole-person development, and the broader landscape of Christian liberal arts education.

I encourage you to take the time to watch or listen to this podcast. I believe that it will provide an informative source of encouragement to you.

We Want to Help

Billy Graham Hall

It is our hope to be able to support you as you represent Christ and Wheaton College. Do you need images of the campus? Do you want to order some Wheaton College "merch" to help get the word out about this amazing place?  Let us know how we can help you!

Fall 2024 Friends Newsletter

Thank you, Friend, for believing that the Wheaton College educational experience that has eternal impact in this world for Christ!

The Fall 2024 term is here reminding us of the cycles: academic years, seasons, coming and going, saying hellos and goodbyes. Recruitment for the next class of Wheaton students is in full swing and we appreciate your partnership.

Now is a particularly important time for any interested international students to begin their admission journey toward fall 2025. If you would like to refer a student to Wheaton – for undergraduate through doctoral studies – just contact us.

We’ll take it from there.

We invite you to read further to see what we’re excited about here.

Thank you for your partnership as you spread the word about Wheaton College, refer students to us, and pray!

April McLaughlin
Coordinator, Billy Graham Scholarship Program

Bryant Kong
Director of Global Engagement – Asia Pacific


Campus News: Who We Are

It is a difficult season for higher education, but God is preserving Wheaton College. Here is our Statement of Faith and Educational Purpose and you can view the following short video about the Community Covenant. 


Wheaton in the World: Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization

billy-graham-at-his-deskThe Fourth Lausanne Congress global gathering of Christian leaders met September 22-28 in Incheon, South Korea to consider gaps and opportunities in global mission. Since the first congress organized by Billy Graham in 1974 in Lausanne, Switzerland there have been two other gatherings in Manila, Philippines in 1989 and Cape Town, South Africa in 2010.

President Ryken and other speakers exposited from the book of Acts. Approximately 150 Wheaton students, staff, faculty and alumni were present. The Wheaton College Billy Graham Center as the North American headquarters for the Global Lausanne Movement, hosted a very encouraging Wheaton College gathering on Monday.  Wheaton College alumni are in every corner of the world, proclaiming Christ. 

Graduate School News: Divinity School

Duane A LitfinTodays’ Christian leaders need biblically faithful training that is culturally savvy and globally connected. The Wheaton College Graduate School has restructured its programs and faculty to meet the needs, launching the newly-named A. Duane Litfin Divinity School (Dr. Litfin pictured at left). Already serving students from more than 40 countries, the Divinity School is excited to announce the expansion of its flexible learning format to all master’s-level Bible and theology programs, which can now be completed from anywhere in the world with just a few trips to campus. The Divinity School will continue to have residential students on campus, but this new format allows a global audience to access the entire Divinity School.

Undergraduate News: Summer 2023 Study Abroad

temple-mount-group-2024Campus may have been quieter during the summer, but our faculty and students didn’t stop learning. Hear from our undergraduates as they reflect on their global study abroad experiences.

Student Feature

Manful-120x150Ato Manful (Ghana) is the Country Director of Excellent Youth Outreach (EYO), Ghana. He was encountering more mental health issues among university students and in rural communities. Ato was granted the Billy Graham International Christian Leader award and is now in his second year of the M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at the Wheaton College Graduate School.  He seeks this training to minister more holistically, disciple effectively, and create a thriving system for mental health within EYO when he returns home.

Ato married soon before coming to Wheaton and unfortunately, his wife has not been able to receive a U.S. visa to join him in the U.S. yet. Despite this struggle, Ato has been invested in work on campus including spearheading a new initiative thanks to a Tyndale Foundation Grant. He will supervise a group of current international students who will come alongside incoming international students on their journey from admission to enrollment.

He maintains that the personal connection with a student from one’s part of the world makes a huge difference when an international student is weighing the costs of entering into a degree program outside the home country.

“I have enjoyed my practicum and internship experience so far. It has been an opportunity to sharpen my counseling skills and to receive helpful feedback from peers and supervisors at my site."


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