Loan Quick Links
Department of Education Direct Loan Website
Manage Federal Direct Stafford Loans (Unsubsidized and GradPLUS) at:
IMPORTANT: On the website, there is important information about browser requirements under "What You Need." If you do not have a compatible browser, various features will not work.
National Student Loan Data System
Database for federal student aid, including information about outstanding balances, loan status, disbursements and loan holders.
Stafford Forms and Links (for Unsubsidized and PLUS Loans)
- Entrance Counseling
- Federal Direct Stafford Lund Loan Return Form
- Amended Federal Direct Stafford Loan Request Form
- Direct Stafford Master Promissory Note E-sign
- Exit Counseling
Billy Graham Center Loan/Scholarship
- TILA (Truth in Lending Act) Disclosures
- Master Promissory Note E-Sign New students: You will receive notification that the note is ready to sign
- Exit Counseling
Other - Strong Loan
- TILA (Truth in Lending Act) Disclosures
- Master Promissory Note E-Sign New students: You will receive notification that the note is ready to sign
- Exit Counseling
Loan Counseling
Loan Counseling is available for BGC related loans and scholarships, as well as Perkins and Strong loans.