Impacting Lives
Impacting lives, both globally and locally.
Now students from all over the world to stretch their thinking without having to leave their careers or location.
Learn how our flexible learning programs have helped students from all over the world be inspired, be challenged, and be equipped for their current context.
Neli Atiga, Australia, M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership
"I have a Bachelors Degree in Theology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Theology from the University of Auckland in New Zealand. I am now pursuing a Masters Degree in Evangelism and Leadership Wheaton College Graduate School. After being a pastor in New Zealand, Singapore and Australia for the last 18 years, the learning that I have gained in the pursuance of this Masters degree has been such an answer to prayer.
As the pastor of Every Nation Brisbane, I knew that my experiences in Asia and the South Pacific would be valuable, but it would require even deeper understanding in order to more effectively reach and raise more Australians in the Kingdom of God. The specificity of those two areas of Leadership and Evangelism fit the areas of urgent need within our church culture and in the culture of our great city of Brisbane. I’ll ever be thankful for this opportunity to learn from the best, and to be equipped to better reach, raise and release Australians into the establishment of God’s Kingdom into the nations."
Taulu Schuster, New Zealand, M.A. in Evangelism and Leadership
"Ever since starting this program, there has been growth in both my leadership and my approach to evangelism. The skills, insight and learning have definitely helped teach me new ways in leading, and most importantly, gave me confidence in my style of pastoring the amazing congregation and local community God has placed me in. Thank you, Wheaton, for equipping me to do what I love: advancing God's Kingdom and making Jesus famous!"
Bibiana Pinto Mac Leod, Argentina, M.A. in Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership
"I lived as a medical missionary in Haiti for 15 years. Starting there and expanding to more countries in South America and the Caribbean, we implemented Community Health Evangelism programs (CHE) for the past 25 years. After the Haiti earthquake and the Cholera epidemic in 2010, a fire in a slum in Dominican Republic in 2012, floods and increasing disasters in my region, I was exposed to ministry in crisis situations. I am excited for the opportunity to learn about disaster response and preparedness to strengthen those I work with."