Graduate Campus Life

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We are here to foster Christian community that cultivates authentic and meaningful relationships among graduate students. Explore below to see the variety of ways you can be connected to the grad campus community!

Campus Life Events

Every year, the Graduate School sets aside the Tuesday evening of Grad Orientation week for a school-wide picnic in front of Billy Graham Hall. Join new and returning students, faculty and staff for a delicious meal and good conversation. Families welcome to attend!

280wHosted by the Grad Chaplain Team, Friday Night Fellowship will meet every Friday from 7-9pm. In the warmer months, we meet at the grad firepit area on the East Lawn of the BGH Parking Lot. In colder months, we meet in the 2nd floor Commons of the Billy Graham Hall. Check your student email for more information! 

Launching every fall semester, Table Gatherings are a monthly opportunity for grad students to share conversations around a particular topic with staff or faculty. Our hope is for Table Gatherings to further spiritual discipleship and foster deep, authentic community within the graduate school. Emails will be sent out every fall with a list of TG hosts and topics.  

posterJoin fellow grad students for a work-play retreat in the Northwoods of Wisconsin at Wheaton's HoneyRock campus! Held every year during Fall Break, this retreat is a special opportunity to step away from the busyness of daily life and spend time in the beauty of nature.  Lodging, meals, and activities are all included in one low fee. Families are also welcome! Email for more information and to ask about transportation.

posterEvery December, the graduate school holds a special chapel service honoring all of the December Graduates. This event typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the fall semester in Barrows Auditorium and is followed by a reception to celebrate our graduates' accomplishments. Join us in celebrating these students!

Every Spring, we celebrate our graduate students with Grad Life Week! Though the activities vary year to year, the week always includes plenty of free food, free coffee, and fun times to connect with your grad community. 

posterTwice a semester, Grad Life takes a busload of grad students into Chicago to visit churches intentionally seeking to represent the diversity of the Body of Christ. We join the church for Sunday worship and then share a meal with the pastoral staff to dialogue about relevant topics related to race, ethnicity, justice and the Gospel. Free to all graduate students!

Strongholds groups are now offered for Graduate Students who are interested in overcoming issues of sexual sin and shame in their lives, both past and present. Students enter a safe place with other Graduate Students looking for the same help offering prayer, accountability, and encouragement. These groups are built off of the foundations of faith, transparency, and honesty. Students tackle specific sexual sins they struggle/struggled with and/or sexual sins that have been committed against them. For most, this is the first time they experience the freedom of bringing into the light these actions and the associated shame within a Christian community. Reach out to or the Chaplain's Office for more information.

The Dine with a Mind (DWAM) program is an opportunity to connect with a Wheaton College faculty member over a meal, covering both you and the faculty member, in Anderson Commons (the college cafeteria) for personal and professional enrichment. This is a privilege that can be used twice each semester by degree-seeking graduate students while tickets last. 

After making your meal appointment with someone, register for your ticket by completing this form.  The Grad Life office will then contact you once we have received your request.

Opportunities to Get Involved

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Student Clubs and Organizations

Connect with fellow grads over shared causes and interests.

People talking at graduate school student lounge

Grad Lounge

Take advantage of the lounge set aside just for grad students.

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Student Council

Find out how you can help represent the grad student voice.