Graduate Spiritual Life
If you haven't discovered it already, you will soon find that Wheaton is more than an educational institution. It offers a meaningful blend of head and heart as people gather to study within the context of Christian community. The Wheaton College Graduate School is a rich mix of men and women studying a variety of disciplines from a wide variety of backgrounds, from the U.S. and throughout the world. Within this diversity there is a wonderful thread of faith in Christ Jesus that links us together and adds richness to life and study.
In addition, these links are strengthened by opportunities for worship, prayer, fellowship; as well as retreats and small group sharing that help create a sense of community and belonging. While graduate students are invited to all chapel services, Wednesday morning's chapel service is the focal point of our spiritual life together. It offers a time to come away from the demands of study to a place of rest expressed in worship, prayer, and hearing God's Word.
Opportunities for Involvement
Student Chaplains
Two graduate students serve as student chaplains (10 hrs/wk), directly assisting Graduate School Chaplain, Dr. Greg Anderson, in the planning and execution of Graduate Chapel events. a weekly time of prayer, and the Friday Fellowship. Graduate student chaplains serve for one year and must be enrolled for a semester or more in the Graduate School. Selection is based on an individual's spiritual maturity and their desire to develop ministry skills through service, and being mentored by the Graduate School Chaplain.
Student Ministries
Other student ministries on campus, such as Discipleship Small Groups and the Office of Christian Outreach, welcome graduate students to join them as well.
Local Church Directory
To find a local church, please visit our church directory.