Graduate School Chaplain
The Wheaton College Graduate School Chaplain serves alongside the student care network and offers hospitality, pastoral counseling, prayer support, and mentoring for graduate students, faculty, and staff.
The Graduate School Chaplain oversees the chapel program for the Wheaton College Graduate School thereby encouraging the continuing development of the spiritual life of graduate students and faculty. The chaplain also has two graduate students who work primarily to assist him in the planning and execution of the chapel program and who meet with the chaplain regularly for mentoring and discipleship. His office is in BGC 218.
Dr. Greg Anderson
Chaplain Anderson will be familiar to those who have been around Wheaton for some time. A 1977 graduate of Wheaton College, Chaplain Anderson earned his M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, S.T.M. in Theology from Yale University, and Ph.D. in Communication Studies/Religious Studies from the University of Minnesota.
He is a seasoned pastor with over 38 years serving in both American and international contexts, including Union Church of Hong Kong since 2007, International Community Church in London, and churches in South Dakota and Ohio. In 2004 he taught at Wheaton as a visiting assistant professor, where he restarted the debate program. He teaches public speaking and preaching courses to Wheaton undergraduates in addition to his duties as chaplain.
Chaplain Anderson has written extensively on C.S. Lewis as a communicator, preacher, and commentator, and is the recipient of multiple awards. He is thrilled to be in the company of Wheaton world-class scholars and to support them spiritually. But more than a scholar, he is a preacher and pastor at heart, and is passionate about "communicating Christ and teaching others so to do.” He is eager to support and encourage our graduate students to find their place of service.
Having lived overseas for the past twenty-four years, Chaplain Anderson is keen on helping our international students adjust to a new culture (and climate). He learned so much from the international graduate school students he met as an undergraduate and he hopes to keep learning from them as their chaplain.
Chaplain Anderson enjoys collecting and even reading books. But most of all, he is besotted by his wife of thirty-five years, Holly. Together they are restoring an 1887 house, with Holly doing the skilled and he the unskilled labor. They have four adult children, three of whom live in London and one in Wheaton. They are proud grandparents of two glorious grandkids.
Chaplain Anderson’s life verse is Philippians 1:6. He grows increasingly confident that “he who began the good work” in us will bring it to spectacular completion in the day of Christ Jesus. He is thrilled to work with faculty and students as together we labor and worship “for Christ and His Kingdom.”
You can reach Chaplain Anderson by phone at 630-752 5638, e-mail, or visit his office, BGH 218.