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Cabin Leaders at HoneyRock

Meet HoneyRock's cabin leaders!


SESSION 3: JULY 29 - AUGUST 9, 2024

Cabin: 1

Name: Sara
Home Country: Mexico
Major: Mexico
Hobbies: Knitting, Watching Movies, Camping
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am very excited about all the new experiences and all the things I have yet to learn, and having those experiences together. Also to share the gospel with everyone, and grow as a community even if we are from different places. 

Cabin: 1

Name: Nadia
Home Country: South Africa
Hobbies: Singing, Playing Guitar, Hiking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I believe God has sent me to this summer camp both to learn and to contribute skills I have learnt over the years at Wortelgat, a campsite I have been working at in my home country. I am excited for the new experiences and to discover God's plan with every step. I am excited to learn what He wants to teach me and impart through me and how this will contribute greatly to my future. I look forward to mentoring those under my care according to God's will and to take up that batten as well.

Cabin: 2

Name: Lillian
Home State: Georgia 
Major: Undecided
Hobbies: Reading, Being Outdoors, Spending time with friends
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am so excited to spend time with the Lord, the outdoors, and all HoneyRockers this summer. HoneyRock holds such a special place in my life and I can't wait to help campers in their walk with Jesus there. Last summer counseling was truly the most meaningful thing I've ever done and I can't wait to see what this summer holds!

Cabin: 2

Name: Gigi
Home State: North Carolina
Hobbies: Hiking, Skiing, Kayaking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Every summer I go to HoneyRock I walk in without any expectation, just a prayer that the Lord will move and every summer the Lord shows up in incredible ways. This camp is unlike any other place as the Lord meets people through staff, the beauty of his creation, and companionship with cabin mates. As a counselor I am convinced that I have the best job in the world because I get to listen to the stories of my campers and celebrate alongside them as well as watch the Lord move in their hearts! I can't wait to be back at HoneyRock again and to see how my continued dependence on God teaches me more about him by living in community at HoneyRock this summer.


Cabin: 3

Name: Hannah
Home State: Illinois
Major: Elementary Education and English
Hobbies: Hiking, Reading, Making Music 
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Working at HoneyRock gives me such a special opportunity to combine three of my favorite things: outdoor adventure, working with campers, and serving Jesus! I am so eager to get to play a small role in cultivating a love of all these things and more in my campers. It's going to be a good one!

Cabin: 3

Name: Kiley
Home State: Illinois
Hobbies: Art, Sports, Baking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to work at HoneyRock this summer because I have been going to camp for the past 8 years and love it! I have had amazing experiences and many impactful moments at HoneyRock, it’s truly a place set apart. I love being outside, playing games and talking about Jesus. I can't wait to share and facilitate camp and the Gospel with my campers!

Cabin: 4

Name: Emma
Home State: Colorado 
Major: Christian Formation & Ministry
Hobbies: Singing, Songwriting, Running
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: After working at HoneyRock last summer, I'm excited to work at HoneyRock again and to spend time in a space where God's work is so evident through the beauty of nature and in other people. Last summer, I saw the Lord meeting me and others in such beautiful ways, and I am expectant that He will continue to meet us here and excited to see how He shows up. I am also looking forward to working alongside others who are seeking the Lord and seeking to serve Him, and I am excited to connect with campers and pour into their lives while I also learn from them and grow alongside them. 

Cabin: 4

Name: Liya
Home Country: Thailand
Major: Studio Art & Christian Formation & Ministry
Hobbies: Watercoloring, Crocheting, Hiking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to work at HoneyRock because of the beautiful nature and the people. I went there for Passage a couple of years ago and I loved the trees, the lake, and making new friends. I can't wait to see what God has for me there this summer. 

Cabin: 5

Name: Meredith
Home State: Texas
Major: Social Work
Hobbies: Swing Dancing, Baking, Reading
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to grow my faith, teach kids about Jesus, learn new things, grow in my leadership skills, spend time in nature, and build friendships with other summer staff. I also really want to learn how to water ski.

Cabin: 5

Name: Anna Grace
Home State: Tennessee
Hobbies: Pickleball, Drinking Coffee, Leading Worship
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: To grow in ministry and leadership, to meet like minded people who are all here to share the love of Jesus, and to have fun!

Cabin: 6

Name: Amy
Home State: IL
Major: TESOL [Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages]
Hobbies: Art, softball, music
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm so excited to be working at HoneyRock again this summer because I love being able to walk alongside campers as they discover who God is while I simultaneously get to see God through them. I love having fun, learning about God, going on trips, and all of the other things HoneRock offers. I've never regretted spending my summers at camp because every single time, I get to see God move in a different way! 

Cabin: 6

Name: Mae
Home State: Texas
Hobbies: Singing, Writing, Reading
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I have been going to HoneyRock for nine years (this will be my tenth), and I have wanted to be a counselor for all of them. I am so excited to meet my co and my campers for each session. I am especially looking forward to leading Trip. I know firsthand how important counselors are in making Trip a positive experience, and I want to learn how to do that well. I can't wait to see how God is going to move in me and in the people around me, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it!

Cabin: 7

Name: Elizabeth
Home State: Missouri
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hobbies: Hiking, Swimming, Hanging out with Friends
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I have grown up going to HoneyRock ever since I was old enough to go, and it was always the highlight of my summer. The community built at HoneyRock is such a unique experience where lifelong memories and friends are made. I love the work this camp is doing with leading people to Christ, and I've seen firsthand how it can impact the campers that experience it. 

Cabin: 7

Name: Anne
Home State: North Carolina
Hobbies: Painting, Soccer, Reading
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock this summer because after going as a camper for the past four summers I'm excited to pour into campers just as my counselors did for me.

Cabin: 8

Name: Emma
Home State: New York
Major: Elementary and Special Education
Hobbies: Dancing, Rock Climbing, Baking  
Why I'm Excited to be at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock because it means I get to spend my summer in God's beautiful creation. I can't wait to be able to pour into my campers and show them the love of Christ while experiencing the outdoors with them. I am also excited for the opportunity to grow and be challenged in my own faith. I can't wait to see what God is going to teach me through this new experience.

Cabin: 8

Name: Madelyn
Home State: Illinois
Hobbies: Reading, Swimming, Singing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to work at HoneyRock this summer because I absolutely adore the Christian centered community and beautiful outdoors that I get to be apart of! I'm so grateful and excited for the opportunity to serve, grow in my faith, and spend time in God's creation while being in such a special place they has had a huge impact on my life.

Cabin: 9

Name: Rozzie
Home State: Illinois
Major: Psychology 
Hobbies: Writing, Poetry, Walking, Growing Plants
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock this summer because I am excited to pour into campers in the same way that I was poured into at HoneyRock when I was a camper there. I am very excited to grow in new friendships and personally and presently in my relationship with the Lord this summer by being poured into and by pouring into others. I am super excited for HoneyRock's intentionality in the presence of the Lord and for many days of growth and directing my heart towards the Lord with others!

Cabin: 9

Name: Anna
Home State:
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: 

Cabin: Ontonagon A

Name: Kharis
Home Country: India
Hobbies: Ceramics, Theater, Singing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am looking forward to the work that God is going to do this summer, and I am excited to live into the joy of being a piece in the puzzle of this year's summer staff! I know so well already the authenticity and intimacy that a season at HoneyRock can produce, and I'm excited to partake in an engaging christian community.

Cabin: Ontonagon A

Name: Capi
Home State: Missouri
Hobbies: Reading, Running, Writing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I have been coming to HoneyRock for many summers now and am excited to have the chance to encourage campers to grow in their relationship with Jesus.


Cabin: Presque Isle A

Name: Diana
Home Country: Costa Rica
Hobbies: Ukelele, Singing, Biking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I’m really excited to go back to HoneyRock for my second summer. It’s not just a job for me; it’s a chance to make a positive impact on kids lives. I love working with children, and since I want to be a teacher, HoneyRock is the perfect fit.  I can share my faith while having fun outdoors. I’m looking forward to making new memories, building friendships, and growing personally and spiritually. HoneyRock means a lot to me, and being here gives me the chance to learn new skills and experiences to bring back to my church and ministry in Costa Rica. I can’t wait for another amazing summer.


Cabin: Presque Isle A

Name: Sarah
Home State: Colorado
Major: Psychology, Bible & Theology
Hobbies: Puzzles, Board Games, Working Out
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am so excited to bring life to a camp experience similar to when I was a kid. HoneyRock is also a beautiful location to find stillness and spend time with the Lord.

Cabin: Presque Isle B

Name: Molly
Home State: Illinois
Major: Human Services (Pre-Counseling)
Hobbies: Crocheting, Reading, Cooking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: HoneyRock holds a dear place in my heart and I am so excited to return for a second summer! I love the intentional space that camp provides for authentic discipleship. Camp fosters a community that longs to walk daily in a worshipful relationship with our amazing LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. One of my favorite things about HoneyRock is watching campers learn to see and appreciate God's design in creation and how that translates to His great love for them! I am confident that God will touch every heart that comes to camp and anticipate the transformative work He will also do in my life!

Cabin: Presque Isle B

Name: Yedi
Home Country: Mexico
Hobbies: Swimming, Reading, Writing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am so excited because this is a new international experience for me. I want to learn everything about serving, friendship, culture, outdoor skills, etc.

Cabin: 10

Name: Douglas
Home State: Maryland
Major: History and Secondary Education
Hobbies: Hiking, Music and Talking
Why I'm excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock because I want to see God's love changing the lives of campers and seeing campers freely and passionately engaging in Creation! HoneyRock is a place set apart, and in this place, lives are changed simply by the Holy Spirit! I’m also excited to row 54 miles in the Hodag during staff training!

Cabin: 10

Name: Nabiswa
Home Country: Kenya
Hobbies: Singing, Playing Instruments, Hiking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to meet new people and to exchange ideas on how to impact children in camp and to learn and to grow . Above all is to experience children transform in the word of God and guide them to walk in it.

Cabin: 11

Name: Kaden
Home State: Ohio
Major: Neuroscience and Psychology
Hobbies: Sunsets, Liftin, Chicago Cubs
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm super excited to spend my summer at such a beautiful place, growing both spiritually and relationally. I can’t wait to lead and be led and I hope to make a difference in the lives of the campers. I’m also thrilled to get to work alongside my sister who will also be at HoneyRock this summer, as well as future friendships that are soon to be formed.


Cabin: 11

Name: Josh
Home State: New York
Major: Business Management
Hobbies: Fishing, Birdwatching, Gardening
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Camp ministry and service is an opportunity to serve the Lord and to speak life into His sheep. As Christians, we are called to help "these little ones" fix their eyes on Christ. With that, serving in a way that shows Christ's love to the new generation seems like such a dream come true. I am excited to share Christ's love to my teammates and campers, and to grow in my own walk in faith!

Cabin: 12

Name: Nolan
Home State: Pennsylvania
Major: History & Philosophy
Hobbies: Guitar, Journaling, Reading 
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to work at HoneyRock to form a strong Christian community and to grow in loving others as Christ loves us!

Cabin: 12

Name: Ru
Home State: Illinois
Major: International Relations
Hobbies: Sports, Hiking, Good Conversations
I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited for the opportunity to speak life and truth to the kids and be able to show the love of Christ to them. I am excited about the memories that are going to be made and the lives that are going to be changed. Working at HoneyRock is truly experiencing a place that is set apart! I am looking forward to seeing the great things that are going to be done at HoneyRock!

Cabin: 13

Name: Carter
Home State: Colorado
Major: English Literature
Hobbies: Running, Reading, Skiing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Last summer I served at HoneyRock and I learned  how much I needed to trust God more than I ever had before, and I am so grateful for that. He is good and he taught me so much. I am excited to be back because it is an opportunity to trust God more and learn more. I am also looking forward to having a lot of fun this summer.  

Cabin: 13

Name: Samuel "Cash"
Home State: Virginia
Major: Physics
Hobbies: Guitar, Soccer, Exploring
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Having worked at HoneyRock last summer, I know from experience that this place is dedicated to honoring the Lord and welcoming his presence for his work to be done. I want to be in a space like that this summer and I have felt the Lord call me back to work! I am super excited also because everyone at HR is quite delightful.

Cabin: 14

Name: Micah
Home State: Illinois
Major: Recreation Ministry
Hobbies: Pickleball, Baseball, Watching Movies
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: This is my 11th summer here at HoneyRock and second year as a Res Middle cabin leader, and I am super excited to grow in my faith as well as have a great time with the campers! Honeyrock has always been my favorite place to be, and I love sharing my love for Gods creation and worship with others! Oh and my favorite camper worship song is… obvious Days of Elijah!

Cabin: 14

Name: Jerry
Home Country: India
Hobbies: Singing, Playing Music, Watching Movies
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Pursuing social work in India I've had the opportunity to work with children in schools here and I always love being with children and sharing God's love with them. My heart is for music and worship, I have cherished leading worship for youth, teaching them songs and music.  I have had a passion for serving God in different ways since I gave my life to Jesus. I found that HoneyRock has paved an esteemed opportunity to work with children to share and serve the love of Christ that I have personally experienced God's love in my life. It's my first time in the US so yeah I am super excited for the journey ahead.

Cabin: 15

Name: Michael
Home State: Illinois
Hobbies: Slacklining, Rollerblading, Board Games
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I love working with kids and getting to see how God is at work in and through them. Children have a lot of wisdom that most people don't give them credit for and I love being a part of nurturing them and growing that seed of curiosity that springs up in them.

Cabin: 15

Name: Kaden "Sparky"
Home Country: Nicaragua
Major: Christian Formation Ministry
Hobbies: Music connoisseur, Sports, Great Conversations
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Last summer was great and I saw the LORD work in many ways. I know the LORD has great things in store. I'm sure the relationships I'll make will be great as well.

Cabin: 16

Name: Alfred
Home Country: India
Hobbies: Sports, Working out, Reading
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to work with campers and creating many relationships at HoneyRock.

Cabin: 16

Name: Abram
Home State: Louisiana
Hobbies: Fishing, Dirt Biking, Fellowship
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to get experience in camp ministry and to serve others through the summer. To develop experience in leadership, fellowship, and discipleship with others. Most importantly I’m excited to grow closer to God!

Cabin: 17

Name: Albert
Home Country: Rwanda
Hobbies: Reading, Swimming, Cycling
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am so excited about this program, due to the passion I have to work with youth. I am looking forward to contributing to the vision of HoneyRock and I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide me to lead and impact many teenagers. This experience will be a great opportunity for me and will allow me to bring what I have learned back to Rwanda and the camp ministry there.

Cabin: 17

Name: Simeon
Home State: Georgia
Major: Economics or Engineering
Hobbies: Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Playing Stand Up Bass
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I have gone to Honey Rock as camper since 6th grade and have many great memories here. My counselors were some of my favorite parts of coming to camp and hope I can be that for some kids that come here. I love helping the cabin form into a community. One of my favorite parts of being a counselor is walking alongside campers as they grow and discover themselves throughout the session.  I love spending time outdoors and experiencing God in His creation. Trip is one of my favorite parts of each session.

Cabin: 18

Name: Emmitt
Home State: Illinois
Hobbies: Sports, Spending time with Friends, Listening to Music
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock because I love working with kids and I want to be someone that can effectively teach them and be a godly influence to them. I also always love the camper group I'm part of so it will be fun to reconnect with so many of my fellow Catalyst 2 members and spend time with them. Overall I'm excited to grow in my faith and expand on my knowledge of God and Christianity through being a counselor and a staff member at HoneyRock.

Cabin: 18

Name: Houston
Home State: North Carolina 
Major: Bible & Theology, Christian Formation & Ministry
Hobbies: Sports, Board Games, Movies
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock because I get to be in the great outdoors, have constant interactions and build meaningful relationships with others, become a better leader, and most importantly spread the Gospel with others! 

Cabin: 19

Name: Wian
Home Country: South Africa
Hobbies: Reading, Gaming, Sports
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am most excited to meet the kids and other international staff.  I love connecting with people from around the world! 

Cabin: 19

Name: Liam
Home State: Illinois
Hobbies: Basketball, Lifting, Drawing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I've been a camper at HoneyRock for about 7 summers now. Last year I did Catalyst 2 and worked as a counselor for Res Camp. I loved working as a counselor and the environment around me.

Cabin: 20

Name: Jackson
Home State: Minnesota
Hobbies: Volleyball, Football, Piano
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to get the chance to hang with kids and express my love for Christ by having fun with them and teaching them about the love of God. Also to personally grow in my walk with God is always awesome to experience while at camp. 

Cabin: 20

Name: Jonatan
Home State: Texas
Hobbies: Sports, Fishing, Swimming
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm excited to get closer to God, get to meet new people and create great relationship and bonds with them. Looking forward to have a good time and be able to bless and be blessed.

Cabin: Deerskin A

Name: Christian "CJ"
Home Country: Turkey
Major: Interpersonal Communication
Hobbies: Listening to Music, Outdoors, Underwater Basketweaving
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: Worshipping with likeminded believers will be a balm to my soul. I'm excited to see folks outside of my age group. I'm excited to be outside and in God's green creation in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. I'm PUMPED for fest, trips, and training.

Cabin: Deerskin A

Name: Chris
Home Country: Belarus
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hobbies: Worship (Piano, Drums), Drones, Carpentry
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: HoneyRock is an amazing opportunity for me to grow as a leader and practice Christian character while serving the students in my group. I am looking towards the challenge that comes along with excitement and I pray that this summer I will be able to achieve both: to reach out to the hearts of my group of guys so they would personally know God through my relationships with them; and to also learn from my experience--to become wiser, to become more mature, more like the man of God.

Cabin: Deerskin B

Name: Mac
Home State: Georgia
Major: Engineering
Hobbies: Mountain Biking, Guitar, Pickleball
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: HoneyRock has been such a formational place for me both as a camper and as an employee! I am so excited to come back and work at HoneyRock this summer because I can continue to be part of such a great ministry and see God work in campers and staff alike. I am also so excited to go on fun adventures with the 9th graders, bonding on our camping trip, challenging each other at activities, studying God's Word together, and having great fellowship around campfires.

Cabin: Deerskin B

Name: Josh
Home State: Illinois
Major: Chemistry
Hobbies: Fishing, Skiing, Movies
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I love working with kids and I also really love being in nature. Being in HoneyRock is a great way to do both and continue to grow in my faith.

Catalyst 1

Cabin: Chateau 1

Name: Eunice
Home Country: South Korea
Major: Elementary Education
Hobbies: Cello, dancing, drawing
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock:  I am so excited to be a part of the HoneyRock staff because one of my biggest passions is serving others and getting to know different families. As a graduating Elementary Education major, HoneyRock is the perfect place for me to manifest my love for mentoring and serving and getting to know people from all over the world. As a South Korean native, I also look forwarding to sharing amazing aspects of my culture with campers and celebrating our diversities and fresh perspectives on all sorts of activities and topics!

Cabin: Chateau 1

Name: Kaya
Home State: Missouri
Major: Environmental/Civil Engineering
Hobbies: Rock climbing, reading, rowing
Why I’m Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to work at HoneyRock this summer not only because it is a place that has harbored much of my own spiritual growth, but it has also been a place of great healing for many of the people I love. I can't wait to be a part of a team dedicated to helping others grow, and also be allowed to grow more myself over the course of this summer.

Cabin: Chateau 2

Name: Veronika
Home Country: Ukraine
Major: Communication
Hobbies: Crocheting, snowboarding, photography
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I am excited to work at HoneyRock this summer because I get to work and grow with others, learn and develop my leadership skills, and enjoy and explore more of God's Creation.

Cabin: Lagoon 1

Name: Knox
Home Country: Tennessee
Major: History with Worship Arts certificate
Why I'm excited to work at HoneyRock: After my last summer at HoneyRock, I could not see myself doing anything else this next summer! I look forward to growing in my leadership skills in facilitating healthy community with campers and working with a co-leader.


Cabin: Lagoon 2

Name: Tim
Home Country: China
Major: History and Secondary Education
Hobbies: Fishing, Lifting, Reading
Why I’m Excited to Work at HoneyRock: HoneyRock has been a place where I could share my most intimate moments with others and see how God works through the lives of those around me. Seeing how campers turn their lives to Christ and prayers being answered in all sorts of ways. This summer I'm excited to see what else God has in store for ministry and how we as HoneyRock staff could show the love and faithfulness of Christ to the campers. Giving them a fun time but also the Gospel we believe in.

Catalyst 2

Catalyst 2 Leader

Name: Emma
Home State: Pennsylvania
Major: English
Hobbies: Painting, reading, baking
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm looking forward to being immersed in a community that is rooted in serving and delighting in the Lord. I'm excited to witness Gospel seeds grow and flourish and to pour out the love of the Lord on campers.

Catalyst 2 Leader

Name: Elizabeth

Catalyst 2 Leader

Name: Sam
Home State: North Carolina
Major: English and Philosophy
Hobbies: Pickleball, canoeing, squirrel-watching
Why I'm Excited to Work at HoneyRock: I'm super excited to be back at HoneyRock this summer to join in the mission of sharing the gospel with the youth from all over! This my fourth year serving at HR, and I'm excited to see how God has impacted the campers I've worked with over the years, and to continue to pour into the community that has done so much for me!