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Wheaton in the Northwoods (WIN) at HoneyRock

Wheaton in the Northwoods

Take classes at HoneyRock

At the start of every summer, HoneyRock offers a variety of courses that meet the Christ at the Core requirements of Wheaton College. 


These courses, which are open to any Wheaton student, are taught in a modular and intensive format. Students take only one course at a time, but can enroll in both WIN 1 and WIN 2. Each session includes concentrated coursework taught by professors at HoneyRock and include pre-class and post-class work. Professors will use the outdoors, the community dynamic, and other activities to enhance your learning experience.

Wheaton in the Northwoods Course Offerings

Course Name Tags Credits Faculty
BITH 211 Old Testament OT 4 Bradley Cameron
BITH 213 New Testament NT 4 Carlos Sosa Siliezar
BITH 315 Christian Thought CT 4 George Kalantzis
PHIL 222 Souls and Brains PI, SIP 4 Adam Wood
PHIL 257 Gender and Being Human PI, DUS 4 Sarah Borden
CORE 355 Boundary Waters*  AIS, DUS, VPAV 4 Matthew Milliner & Daniel Haase
CORE 391 Sports and Christianity in America AIS, DUS, HP 4 Karen Johnson

*CORE 355 Boundary Waters incurs an additional fee of $150 for camping permits and other trip related expenses. 

**LEAD 240 Leadership Development is open to Wheaton students who are also working at HoneyRock for the summer.  Find out more about working at HoneyRock by visiting 

Course Tags Credits Faculty
BITH 211 Old Testament OT 4 Daniel Somboonsiri
BITH 315 Christian Thought CT 4 George Kalantzis
CORE 372 Existentialism AIS, LE 4 Ryan Kemp
CORE 354 Nature's Beauty AIS, PI, SIP 4 Robert O'Connor
ANTH 353 Culture and Difference DUS, GP 4 Brian Howell

Download WIN Info Packets

Once you've signed up to teach or take a WIN course, download your info packet!

Frequently Asked Questions about Wheaton in the Northwoods

Course Cost: $815 Per Credit Hour
Room and Board: $300 for each 2 week WIN session
Transportation: $95 bus fee each way (optional)

To Register: Registration Opens November 15, 2024

Create or Sign in to your HoneyRock account* and sign up for your WIN course(s)

  1. Reserve your spot with a $50 deposit per course.  
  2. Receive instructions on how to register through Banner

*If you have already created a HoneyRock account or another WIN course there is no need to create a new account - just log in! If you are having trouble logging into your account please call (630) 752-5124.

During your free time there will be activity areas open for your use: swimming, canoeing, kayaking, waterskiing, climbing, mountain biking, archery, and more! You can also choose to take part in planned large group events like ultimate frisbee and campfires.

We do have a small workout facility with weight machines and other equipment.

You will be housed in our River Cabins. You will have a bunk and will share your living space with 8-10 people. These buildings have modern bathrooms in each room.

Our kitchen staff prepare three meals a day for the HoneyRock community. We offer a wide variety of foods and can accommodate special diets when advanced notice is given. 

There are several options when considering how to the to HoneyRock for Wheaton in the Northwoods listed below.  

By Bus Transportation 

HoneyRock provides coach bus transportation for WIN from Wheaton. There is an additional fee of $95 each way for students who ride the bus. We depart from Chrouser Sports Complex at Wheaton College. Below are the dates and times the bus will depart and return.


    • May 17, 2025 - Depart Wheaton @ 8:00 am
    • May 30, 2025 - Depart HoneyRock @ 1:00 pm


    • May 31, 2025 - Depart Wheaton @ 8:00 am
    • June 13, 2025 - Depart HoneyRock @ 1:00 pm

By Own Transportation

If you are driving to HoneyRock for WIN please arrive between 1:00-4:00 pm on the following dates.

  • WIN 1 - May 17, 2025 
  • WIN 2 - May 31, 2025

By Airplane

If you will be flying to HoneyRock for WIN we offer Airport Shuttle service from Rhinelander Oneida County Airport (RHI) for an additional fee of $50 each way. 

Please try to choose a flight ARRIVING to RHI between 8:00 am - 3:00 pm  on the following dates.

  • WIN 1 - May 17, 2025 
  • WIN 2 - May 31, 2025

Please try to choose a flight DEPARTING from RHI after 1:00 pm on the following dates.

  • WIN 1 - May 30, 2025
  • WIN 2 - June 13, 2025



Do you have questions about WIN?

Please contact the HoneyRock Office Coordinator at 630-752-5124 or you can visit the HoneyRock office in Schell Hall!