Arena Theater

How do I get involved?  

There are a number of ways to get involved in Arena Theater! You are always welcome to stop by to see what’s going on. Our faculty and students would love to connect with you and tell you more about what it’s like to be part of Arena Theater. 

The theater is located in Jenks Hall at the corner of Howard St and University Place across the street from Smith-Traber Hall. 


Wheaton’s theater ensemble, Workout, has enjoyed nearly 50 years of producing theater in the context of an intentionally constructed ensemble. Each fall, students in Workout audition to be part of this highly committed theater group that meets to train together twice a week, produce and act in each of our three mainstage plays, and benefit from being a part of a transformational community. Explore our Workout FAQ sheet for more details.


An integral part of our theater education hinges on working on a crew.  Crews typically meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons, and on Saturday. Working together to make theater provides a meaningful opportunity to connect with fellow students and theater teachers.  Through participating in a crew, you are an active part of every show that goes up in Arena Theater, regardless of casting or Workout membership.  We work with various Chicago designers which allows you to gain a professional viewpoint into making theater after college. The best part? You can try a different crew for every show to gain experience and insight into all the different aspects of producing a play.  Options include Costume, Set, Lights, and Props. Email for more information.  


We offer a variety of Theater classes at Wheaton College designed to engage you creatively, intellectually, and spiritually. Our curriculum can be approached in several ways, according to your needs and interests. You can choose to study multiple levels of acting, directing, design, or theory. Each class is designed to enrich your engagement in another discipline, to serve as a building block toward a Theater Minor, or to fulfill the requirements of a Communication Major with a Theater Concentration.  No matter where you decide to go in your Theater education, Theater Survey (COMM 271) is the foundational prerequisite for all of your studies.  Open to all students, the class is a great way to become familiar with what Wheaton has to offer - whether your interest is acting, design, or directing.