Shakespeare in the Park

Shakespeare performance in a park in front of a large audience

Join us for one of our favorite summer traditions! This exciting partnership between Wheaton College and the Wheaton Park District began in the summer of 2013. The company and cast are made up of Arena Theater students and alumni who have gone on to work as theater professionals. Working collaboratively during a three-week rehearsal period this band of theater-makers produces three delightful performances in Wheaton’s newly renovated Memorial Park. This highly anticipated, professional-level production is free of charge and draws over 3,000 people every year.  For more information about the park, visit their website.  


Past Productions


2024- As You Like It.

2023- Twelfth Night

2022- A Midsummer Night's Dream

2021- Henry IV

2019 Shakespeare goes to the Blackhills

2018 - The Tempest

2017 - Much Ado About Nothing

2016 - Twelfth Night

2015 - A Midsummer Night's Dream

2014 - Love's Labours Lost

2013 - As You Like It