. . . and Theater
Theater Minor
Utilizing an imaginatively designed Theater Minor, our program is structured to allow students who are deeply planted in other majors at Wheaton to add “theater-making” to their skill-set. At Arena you will grow as an artist, creative problem-solver, and collaborator. You will also have opportunities to try things that might seem scary. All of this will better equip you for whatever you pursue after college.
Our theater minor offers classes in Acting, Design, Directing, Church and Theater and Theater and Culture. Through your work on production crews you will gain practical skills as well.
The Theater Minor requires an additional 20 hours in Theater courses. All courses are four-hour courses unless noted.
A theater minor would complete a 14-hour core from the following classes.
- COMM 172 Theater Practicum (1) (must be repeated to provide 2 hours credit toward the minor)
- COMM 271 Theater Survey
- COMM 273 Acting I
- COMM 272 Scenography or
- COMM 374 Directing
Students may select the additional six hours from these courses.
- ENGL 112 Comedy and Tragedy
- COMM 171 Intro to Acting (2)
- COMM 272 Scenography
- COMM 275 Musical Theater London (2)
- COMM 374 Directing
- COMM 375 European Theater Studies (2)
- COMM 376 Church and Theater
- COMM 473 Acting II (May be repeated as Acting II: Shakespeare)
- COMM 474 Special Topics in Theater
- COMM 476 Theater and Culture
- COMM 496 Internship (2)
Communications Major with a Theater Concentration
An option offered by the Communications department is the Communication Major with a Theater Concentration. This option enables students to investigate their own embodied stories and the stories of others, with the aim of devising means to effectively share those stories with a larger community. More information can be found here.

Explore our theater classes and begin to image joining us as a theater-maker.

Our current and past students tell their stories about their time at Wheaton and how it has shaped their lives.