Anyone under the age of 14 must be immediately accompanied by an adult while in the CHR. Persons between the ages of 14 and 17 may use the CHR facilities (with the exception of the Weight Room) without adult supervision.
Strength & Conditioning Room
Persons between the ages of 14-17 years old must be accompanied by parent or other adult when using the Weight Room. This means that the adult is working either on the same machine or at extremely close proximity.
No one under the age of 14 is permitted in the Weight Room. The only exception is infants who are in strollers.
Those 18 years and older can use the facility without adult supervision.
Closed-toe athletic shoes, shirt and athletic shorts or pants must be worn in the Weight Room.
Gymnasiums & Track
Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied when using gymnasiums or the indoor track.
Those 14 years of age and older can use the pool without the supervision of an adult.
Those under 14 years of age must be accompanied on the pool deck by an adult (18 or over) at a ratio of one adult for every 5 children.
Guest Pass Policy
Wheaton College Alumni, local residents and guests of Members (students, staff/faculty and community members) may purchase Guest Passes.
One Day Guest Passes cost $10.00 for all ages (children under 3 are free)
A Guest Pass is good for all operating hours on the date it is issued. It is non-refundable and non-transferable. Lost cards will not be replaced or refunded.
Community user policies and regulations are applicable to Guest Pass users. This includes restriction from use of the climbing wall.
Family members (besides spouses and dependents) of students and staff/faculty that are visiting from out of town may use the complex a number of times (2 or 3) before being required to purchase a Guest Pass.
Prospective students and their families may use the complex without a purchased Guest Pass while they are visiting Wheaton College.
Current Students have five free guest passes to use at their discretion (family visits not included). Guests must be accompanied by the current student.
Overnight Locker Rental
Short lockers are available for rental to the general public, tall lockers are available to Wheaton College employees.
Lockers/Locks are issued at the complex Front Desk
Cost: $20 annual service fee ($30 tall lockers, employees only)