Wheaton Students on Externship Day

Externship Day

Externship Day is February 4, 2025. Registration is now open for students and hosts!

Externships provide opportunities for undergraduate students to connect with Wheaton alumni (and new in 2025, with local employer partners) to gain firsthand insight into their workplace, job responsibilities, and career path. Externships let students connect with a professional in their industry of choice, begin networking in a friendly environment, and develop deeper connections with Wheaton alumni. Whether it is a life-long relationship or a quick one-day connection, Externships are a prime opportunity to connect students to alumni and local organizations with ties to the Wheaton family. 

This year's Externships take place in-person in the Chicagoland area on February 4, 2025. Approval of host site registration is conditional on alignment with Wheaton College's institutional commitments. Students will be paired with approved hosts on January 17, 2025, to coordinate their Externship. See full schedule below. 

Sign Up to Host an Externship

Why you should participate:

In short, going on an externship experience will give you meaningful connections to our alumni network, and will help you see an industry and organization with clarity you can't get any other way.

Data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) as well as our own First Destination Survey data indicates that participation in experiential learning opportunities (job shadowing, internships, etc.) lead to vocational clarity, and ultimately job satisfaction.

We also see Wheaton students who participate in experiential learning opportunities tend to have stronger professional networks, which leads to career placement and advancement at higher rates than their peers without such experiences. 

How to Register:

Below is a registration link. This link will be available from November 14, 2024 to January 16, 2025. You will be given an opportunity to select which of our alumni connections seem to align with your career ambitions, and make a ranked choice vote on locations. 

If you register to attend a location together with a friend - and indicate that on your application - you'll be given priority in location assignment. 

Student Expectations:

  • Externs be a currently-enrolled undergraduate students at Wheaton College. 
  • Students who register must commit to participate in the Externship where they are matched, even if they do not receive their top selection. 
  • Students commit to contacting their alumni host once matched. Matchings will happen on January 17, 2025. We expect you to have contacted your host by January 24, 2025. 
  • Students will attend one of two training sessions before heading out on Externship Day. 

Student Extern Timeline:

  • November 14, 2024 - Student Registration Opens for Externship Day 2025. You must register before January 16, 2025. Register here. 
  • January 16, 2025 - Student preferences close. 
  • January 17, 2025 - Student pairings announced.
  • January 28 or 30, 2025 - Externship Training Meeting - 10:30-11:00am. Must attend one meeting. 
  • February 4, 2025 - Externship Day!


"[Externships] help you get prepared for the next steps after college in a small, non-intimidating, manageble does. Even if your end result is discovering what you DON'T like about a certain career field, I'd recommend this experience for everyone!" 

-2017 Student Extern