Lean-In Conversations is a collaborative effort between Wheaton College Student Engagement, Student Government, Student Media Team, the StoryTelling Project, Young Women for America, College Democrats, and College Republicans. Together, we want to curate a culture campaign that elevates our thinking when navigating conversations about political convictions, challenges, and care with the Lean In Conversations video series. Watch this inspiring word from Dr. Ryken promoting this series for us.
Our hope is to encourage an openness to listen, empathy within difficult discussions, humility in engaging others, and a desire to love those that think differently. Listen to different faculty members engaging topics centered around prayer, expectations, faith, disagreement, and responding. Let’s step back, and #LeanIn.
Lean-In Conversation #1 - Dr. Amy Black
Lean-In Conversation #2 - Chaplain Greg Waybright
Lean-In Conversation #3 - Dr. Kristin Garrett
Lean-In Conversation #4 - Dr. Vince Bacote
Lean-In Conversation #5 - Dr. Esau McCaulley