MISSION: Ministry & Evangelism equips students to learn from, serve alongside, and partner with communities and organizations around the world in the redemptive work of the Gospel.
- We DEVELOP ministry leaders who are growing in awareness of God's work in themselves and God's work around the world to have a greater understanding of how these two work together to inform their purpose.
- We SEND student into communities and organizations around the world with a humble and learning posture to participate in serving "the least of these" [Matt. 25:40] and proclaiming Christ in partnership with existing organizations.
- We CULTIVATE a holistic ministry ethos and pedagogy in students that is rooted in evangelism, justice, and hospitality.
"One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4
In 1979, a powerful hurricane devastated the Dominican Republic, resulting in the loss of many lives and homes. Back in Wheaton, a group of college students spearheaded and organized a public-awareness campaign with the goal of helping to provide for our neighbors in the Dominican Republic. Students raised support and materials to provide the Dominican people with temporary shelter, clothing, and food rations.
This same spirit of compassion-in-action found its way to Honduras, and the Honduras Project officially began at Wheaton College in 1982. Each year since, a group of students has gone to a different rural village in the mountains of Honduras to help install a gravity-fed water system and to share the love of Christ incarnationally. The project has evolved, with the addition of a children's ministry and later a women's ministry, and will likely continue to do so. Likewise, since the project is student-led, leadership and membership has continually changed, but the heart and mission has remained the same.
For more information or to get connected, email ministry.evangelism@wheaton.edu.
Every three years, the Ministry & Evangelism Office helps to send Wheaton College undergraduate and graduate students to Urbana.
What is Urbana? Urbana is a major Christian student missions conference sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The event is designed to inform Christian students about global issues and issues around the world that missionaries face. The Urbana conference happens only once every three years!
Urbana 22 sought to compel this generation to give their whole lives to God’s global mission.
Together with other students listening for God’s call on their lives, over 100 Wheaton student participants were challenged by speakers and enabled to speak with hundreds of missions organizations. Attendees were afforded an amazing selection of seminars. They were also able to participate in unique tracks, worship, and performing arts. Students also received prayer and studied the Bible inductively.
The Urbana 21 conference was held in Indianapolis, Indiana December 28-31, 2022. This year the Conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, December 28-31, 2025. If you are interested in attending, receiving a scholarship, or just finding out more about Urbana in 2025, please email ministry.evangelism@wheaton.edu.