#WOWeek14: Welcome (Back) to Wheaton!

Posted August 22, 2014 by
Tags: Student Activities My Wheaton

#WOWeek14: Welcome (Back) to Wheaton!

Welcome back, Wheaton! 

Student feelings about the new school year are somewhat of a quarry. You’ve got the exhausted-from-summer pebbles, the I-don’t-want-to-start-studying-yet-but-miss-my-friends stones, the eager-to-boast-my-summer-adventure rocks, and the been-waiting-to-get-back-since-May boulders. Or maybe you’re a new student, and, well, you’re not sure what to feel. 
Regardless, it’s a special time for all of us—a chance to be formed together as the worshipping body of Christ and to experience His goodness, provision, and mercies anew!

As part of this year’s Orientation Committee, I’m excited and expectant to see the ways the living Lord will use his already existing “wall” of Wheaton students to participate in His faithfulness to new students. With the combined effort of many, Orientation Week should register as a robust invitation and celebration. It’s a chance to say, "We, the returning students, are eager to accept you into this family, and are excited to serve you. Welcome to a place marked with the love and joy of Christ."

Orientation Committee 2014 students blanchard

New students, here are some O-Week pointers for ya:
This year’s theme for Orientation Week is a powerful one: I AM THAT STONE. It comes from 1 Peter 2:4-5, in which Peter constructs a detailed metaphor out of a very common object: a stone. Christians, as “living stones, [being] built into a spiritual house,” are built upon the living Stone—which is Christ, the cornerstone. Thus, our fellowship is in the fellowship of Christ.  

As each of us are called to form “a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ,” we should realize that living together is about standing upon the foundation of grace given to us by Christ. As such, a community of grace should always lead us to repentance to God and confession with others. Where grace is lived out, there is abundant life!  

A community of grace is a worthwhile challenge. And with Christ at the center, I am eager to see the Lord create a “joyful firmness” among Wheaton students this year!

Michael Daugherty ’15 is the 2014 Orientation Committee Student Director. A senior from Marion, Indiana, he’s graduating with a degree in Anthropology under the Pre-Medicine tract. He hopes to go into the field of medicine and global health. Top: Students gather at 2013 orientation; Above: Wheaton’s 2014 Orientation Committee. Don't forget to share your orientation memories with the Wheaton family on social media using hashtags #mywheaton and #woweek14!