Beyond the Turf
Posted October 17, 2014 by
Tags: The Liberal Arts Athletics Spiritual Life Student Activities My Wheaton
Beyond the Turf
For Kendall Eitreim ’15, it’s hard to imagine what her undergrad life would have looked like without the Wheaton women varsity soccer team. “Being on the team has 100 percent completely shaped my Wheaton experience,” Eitreim says.
While she has been playing soccer since she was two, she senses a real difference playing on a team made up of Christian peers.
“God has been so faithful in using people on the team, using the coaches… to be instrumental and encouraging. And it’s fun to do life alongside the girls.”
Eitreim believes that living together and offering friendship and support off the field allows the team to work better together once their cleats hit the turf.
Though she knew from day one that she wanted to be a communication major, Eitreim enjoys taking classes from both inside and outside the department that she believes will prepare her for life beyond Wheaton.
“I just take those classes because I enjoy them and because the professors are wonderful.”
The unifying thread that connects Eitreim’s life as a student and an athlete is the way people at Wheaton—whether in classes or in the locker room—seek to emulate Christ in their daily lives.
“There are people I’ve been surprised by again and again who have really shown the love of Christ ... There’s something about that that I think is very unique to Wheaton.”
Kendall Eitreim ’16 is a communication major. Learn more about Wheaton soccer on the Wheaton Thunder website, Twitter @Wheaton_Thunder, and Instagram @Wheaton_Thunder.