Why I Chose Wheaton Grad School
Posted February 17, 2016 by
Tags: My Wheaton
Why I Chose Wheaton Grad School
This article was written in 2016 by Bornell Nicholson '15, M.A. '17. It may contain outdated information.
I attended Wheaton College as an undergraduate, majoring in psychology. During my junior year, I began seeking out higher education, so I spoke to the director of the Marriage and Family Therapy program at Wheaton College, Dr. David Van Dyke, about whether Wheaton College Graduate School would fit well with my skill set and interests.
After many conversations, I came to the conclusion that Wheaton College Graduate School would be the best institution for me to pursue my professional training. The main reason I chose Wheaton over a secular university was because of its distinctly Christian perspective on psychology. I had no doubt I could receive a wonderful education and terrific training at a secular graduate school, however, my Christian faith is so central to who I am that to leave it out of my professional life would be utter nonsense.
As a therapist in training, I seek to bring my whole self into the room with my clients. At a secular university, I might not have had the space or opportunity to learn how to integrate my Christian identity with my profession. Moreover, my desire for being Christ’s ambassador and serving the underserved align perfectly with Wheaton’s Marriage and Family Therapy Mission Statement: “To form Marriage and Family therapists who value interpersonal justice as well as the diversity of clients and client systems, who work toward the goal of healthy and whole relationships, and who give specific attention to those on the margin of society and the underserved.”
At Wheaton, I have been challenged by academic rigor as well as strengthened in my faith. Therefore, I can honestly say I will be fully prepared to serve For Christ and His Kingdom in my profession as a marriage and family therapist.